Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, September 3, 2017
Adoration Chapel

Hello my Jesus! It is good to be here with You, Lord. I adore You, praise You, thank You and love You, my God and my King. Thank You for protecting us as we traveled this weekend. Thank You for providing holy priests to say Mass when we are out of town, Lord. I am very grateful for the Church and for the Sacraments, Jesus! Thank You, Lord.
Jesus, please relieve (name withheld) back pain. He suffers so very much, Lord. Help him to get relief and please restore his joy. I am so grateful for him, Jesus. It is difficult to watch him suffer and not to be able to do anything to help him. Lord, please heal everything in him that is in need of healing. Jesus, I pray for all who are listed on the parish prayer list, for all who are ill and especially for those who will die today. Please take them to Heaven. Be with (name withheld) and her family and help her father, Jesus. Be with all those who have lost loved ones and comfort and console them in their loneliness. I pray for all children who suffer from sickness, from abuse and neglect and for those who feel unloved. I pray for the victims of abortion, both the parents and the littlest ones. Please, Jesus, touch the hearts of women who are considering abortion and show them the ugliness of this detestable crime against life and love. I pray for conversion of all abortionists, the nurses and technicians who assist in this heinous act of evil. Open their eyes so they may see the truth about this horrific act of murder. Give them true contrition, Jesus and may they all repent and turn to You, the author of life, our Savior.
I pray for our shepherds, the Bishops, for their courage to speak and live the Gospel, to openly defend Church teaching and to lead all of Your people to a life in Christ. Lord, please bless and protect all of Your holy priests, Bishops and religious and especially Pope Francis. Guide and direct him, Jesus. I pray for Pope Emeritus, Benedict the XVI. Bless and protect him, Lord.
Lord, please give many graces for conversion to the citizens of the U.S. so that many, many people repent and return to You. For those who have lost their faith, please restore it and for those who never had faith, give them faith in You, my Lord and my God. May the Immaculate Heart of Mary triumph soon, Lord and may You renew the face of the earth.
“My child, you are sorely discouraged about the loss of (omitted). I remind you that I can do ALL things, My little one. Why do you distrust Me? Have I not provided for all of your needs for your whole life?”
Oh yes, Lord Jesus! You have always provided for me, even when things seemed impossible. I am sorry, Jesus. It’s just difficult to watch things fall apart. God the Father said things would get bleaker before they were lighter and they certainly have. I don’t see how they could get any darker, but they probably can. Lord, I do trust You but I accept Your Will. I have resigned myself to accept the current situation. It is very disappointing to witness the anger and unforgiveness (seeming) of our brothers and sisters. There has been so much angst and rehashing of the wrongs committed that the group is not only at a standstill but actually digressing (or so it seems). I long for the hope and renewal that we once felt and experienced. Unfortunately, I feel jaded or in some way even more alone than I felt before. Jesus, You know all of this and yet isn’t being disappointed different than distrust? If in my disappointment I am distrusting You, I am sorry. (Some personal comments omitted) I know that God the Father is the only one who knows when things will unfold but one would have to be blind to think it hasn’t already started and has been moving along more rapidly lately. Jesus, You tell us what we should do and we await Your direction to take major steps, as You have said we must do. I want to please You and do Your Will.
“My child, what you say is good and right. Since you trust Me, I desire that you have My joy. Since you hope in Me, what is there to be concerned about?”
Jesus, I am concerned about the evil all around us. I am concerned that our country (the majority) are no longer following You. I am concerned for those who will be lost. I am concerned for the children, and for the Church. I love You and I know that You are in control, Jesus. How can I not be concerned, Lord? Is this a lack of trust, Jesus? Please help me to see what I am missing.
“My child, My child. Your concerns are well founded. I do not mean to confuse you, My little one. It is right to be concerned. Concern should lead one to pray with more passion for those who do not know Me. Concern leads one then to action and service. Concern should not, however be all consuming. Those who hope in Me, trust in Me, will also have joy in the midst of sorrow.”
Ok, Lord. I see. Please give me Your joy, Lord. Fill me with Your holy joy. I want to be a sign of hope for others, Lord.
“Yes, My child. This is good. Pray for My joy.”
Alright, sweet Jesus. I will continue to pray for Your joy.
“My child, when you become discouraged think about the Renewal and what beauty there will be when I renew the earth and all living creatures. Think about the wonder and awe all who experience the Renewal will feel when they behold for the first time the restored earth. It will be restored and all that man has done to damage the earth will be healed. The earth will once again show the perfection and wonder of the Triune God. All will marvel at the beauty, the newness, the abundance of food, animals, pure water, beautiful, fragrant flowers, babbling brooks, sparkling oceans, lush forests and refreshing meadows. There will be an endless supply of food from the plants and trees. The colors will be more crisp and clear, the hues more varied and deep. All will be as it was when God the Father first created the world. It will be an amazing sight for those who live through the Time of Great Trials. My child, you have no idea how much has been damaged, destroyed and maimed, for you have only known the world as it is. No one alive today will be able to understand how much beauty has been lost on the earth, due to the sins of mankind. The earth groans under the weight of mans’ sins. The earth is reacting in protest due to this weight that has grown heavier and heavier by the decade since the fall of Adam and Eve. There was a renewal of sorts after the great flood, but nothing like the Renewal will be, for there is so much damage and there will even be more damage as evil escalates. This damage to the earth is the plan of the evil one for he wants to destroy the earth and all living creatures. He is the enemy of all that is good and he aims to destroy all I have created. My child, no matter how much death and destruction comes, he will not be victorious for God is the victor. I already won this victory for you and for all of My children through My passion, death and resurrection, therefore you have nothing to fear. I am with you and you will not have to face the future alone. While I do not protect nations that have turned away from Me, I do protect those who walk with Me. That does not mean you will escape calamities. That does not mean My children will not have problems, and that their possessions will be unscathed. No, this is not the case for the rain falls on the just as well as the unjust. It means that I will protect My remnant and preserve their lives. For those who die, I will save their souls, if they have believed in and have followed Me and those who love others, and serve those in need. There is nothing to fear unless you are one who follows evil. Then, you must fear losing your soul and your inheritance (Heaven). You must return to Me, repent and be saved. Then you will have nothing to fear. Come, return to the One who loves you, so much so that I gave My life for you.”
Jesus, please open the hearts of those in need of conversion. Inspire them with Your holy divine love. Help them to know You, Lord for to know You is to love You. Thank You for Your love and mercy, Jesus. Help us to love more and to be more merciful.
“My child, I remind you that as events continue to present themselves (conflict, seeming chaos, etc.), as weather events and disturbances increase and social unrest, keep your eyes on Me. Focus your thoughts on Me and on serving others. Live the Gospel regardless of what occurs around you. Storms will come and storms will go, but I am the rock upon which you stand. Stand firmly, therefore and take your strength, your courage, your hope, your peace and your joy from Me. Remember that your hope is in the name of the Lord.”
Yes, Lord—who made Heaven and earth! (In Him who made Heaven and earth…) Thank You, Jesus. Thank You for restoring my peace. Please restore my joy, also. Lord, please lead us to the place that You want us to go. Show us where we can move, Lord where we can serve You in the mission You have given us. If it is Your Holy Will, Lord show us. Otherwise, we will stay where we are. We await Your Will, and Your direction, Jesus. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You.
“Thank You, My little lamb. I will lead you and My son (name withheld). Continue to pray and to trust in Me in all ways and in all things. I will provide.”
Thank You, Lord.
“Go now in My peace, be mercy, be joy to others and trust in Me. I bless you in My Father’s name in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. All will be well, My child. All will be well.”
Thank You, Lord. I love You!
Source: ➥