Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Adoration Chapel

Hello, dearest Jesus present in all tabernacles in the world. I praise, adore, love and worship You, my God and my King. Thank You for Holy Mass and Communion, Lord. It was so beautiful to receive You in Holy Communion. Thank You, Jesus for arranging for (name withheld) to serve Mass. Lord, help (name withheld) to grow in his love for You. Help all of us to grow in our love for You. Lord, we love You. Help us to love You more. I pray for our children and grandchildren, for their salvation and conversion. Lord, bring all of Your lost sheep home to Your Church and help us to reach out with love to our brothers and sisters who are not acquainted with You and Your love, Your mercy, Your holiness and Your perfect, Divine Will. Jesus, during this hour of mercy, save the souls of those in darkness. Give graces to those who are steeped in sin to awaken and see how far from You they are and give them desire to know and love You. You are the answer to all of life’s problems, Jesus. You are the Holy Word of God. Speak new life into our hearts, Jesus and send Your Holy Spirit to renew the face of the earth. Quicken the Church’s purification, Lord and lead us out of the Age of Apostasy and into the time of complete purity so that we will be able to spread Your Gospel to a world in darkness. Hasten the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Jesus and Your Eucharistic Reign. Save us, Lord from every evil. Only You can save us and I know it is already decided and the victory is Yours. But, Lord help us to spread the Gospel, to evangelize so that more souls will be saved by You before it is too late for them. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, save souls.
“My child, My child, this is what I want My people to do—spread the Gospel. Take Me to the world, for I am the Light of the World and I have already conquered the darkness of sin and evil with My love. I need My Children of Light to present Me to the world, to re-introduce Me. My children, you became complacent in the West and were content to remain in your safe churches and in the comfort of your homes. You socialized with one another and stopped taking the Good News to those in need. My Church is one of missionaries, and all who are baptized are missionaries of the Gospel, yet you have forgotten this. It is not entirely your fault for My sons, your shepherds ceased telling you this. Lead holy, pure lives and out of love take Me to the world. Give them My love and if they will not accept it, give them kindness, meekness, mercy. Show love at all times to each soul. They may not accept My love from you, but each act of kindness will be like planting seeds. Some do not bear fruit, but if enough are planted, some will begin to sprout, if not all. Be love and mercy, My children. Go outside of yourselves to be mindful of all you meet. Are you busy and focused on all you must accomplish each day, so much so that you do not notice the one next to you in the grocery store line or filling his gas tank at the gas station? Notice, My children. There are people in your midst who are hurting and dejected. They may only need a loving glance and a smile to realize they have worth, dignity and are not unnoticed in the world. Suicides can be averted by such simple acts of kindness, My children. I am not exaggerating to make a point. I am God and I see all. I know the pain of each person. I know when hearts are breaking. I choose to work through My children on earth. It has always been so. Do not think, ‘I am only one person and I am small. What I do won’t possibly matter.’ This is a lie from My adversary and yours. Each Apostle of Mine was only one person and yet My Peter and yours became the first Pope of the Church. He was but a fisherman, and a rough one at that. Did he say, ‘I am only a fisherman and I can’t possibly follow You. What difference will it make?’ No, he did not. He said, ‘Depart from me, Lord for I am a sinner.’ When I followed with, ‘Come follow Me, and I will make you a fisher of men.’ He immediately, left all that he had and followed Me. My disciples, including the women disciples followed Me. They told others about Me, even though they did not all leave their homes to follow Me. They spread the Good News. My children, when you find something of value, you tell others. When you try a product that really worked as advertised you tell your friends. You are quick to help when someone asks you how to do something that you know about or are skilled at doing. Do the same for Me. The Son of God loved so much that He left Heaven and His place with God the Father to assume the flesh of mankind, in order to die and rise again. All this, so that each person ever created from the beginning to the very end would have the opportunity to live in Heaven. This is Good News, My children. Everything else pales in comparison. This must be shouted from the roof tops, and yet even My followers are embarrassed or afraid to tell others. Why is this so? Reflect on this and ask My Spirit to fill you and empower you to speak with joy and courage. If you loved your fellowman more, you would not be afraid. Do you not want them to have what you have? Of course you do, for you love. Give them this love that I have placed in your hearts. You may be the only person who shares the Gospel message with them. Do not depend on others to do what I am calling you to do. Be love, be mercy, be joy. Go outside of your comfort zone, for love knows no discomfort if it means saving souls.”
“I love you and I have Willed that My message of hope would be spread through My people. This has been My plan from the beginning. You have only to read the Gospels to find many examples. Look at the woman at the well. Read this, My children. After her encounter with Me, she ran to tell everyone about Me. This is to be your reaction to encountering your Jesus. Do not continue in your complacency. The world needs My little apostles of love. The world is starving for My love and I am counting on You, My little apostles of the love to take My love to others. Share My love with the people who are in such darkness. If one rejects you, move on to the next person. If you are rejected, it is because I am rejected. Do not take it personally, only move on to the next. Leave the soul who rejected the message to Me. I will take care of it. You do your part and I will do the rest. Only-begin. Too much time has already been lost and wasted on less important things. There is nothing more important than saving souls. Come, My children let us begin. Fortify yourselves in prayer, Scripture and Holy Mass. Frequent the Sacraments and live with joy that you have access to heavenly grace. Share this grace with others by announcing the Good News. Come, My Mother and I will help you. She was the first disciple. She was the first to be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. Ask Her for motherly guidance. She will assist Her children in leading others to the Messiah. She ushered in the time of the Savior by Her humble ‘yes’ to the Archangel Gabriel and I am using Her now to bring about the Renewal and subsequent Era of Peace. My Mother is perfectly united to the Will of God. She knows how to best guide our children.”
Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ who was and is and is to come! Help us to evangelize and share the Gospel, Lord. May souls be ready to hear Your Word. Prepare hearts, Jesus in both the sharer of the Gospel and the ones who receive it. Thank You for this hour of mercy, Lord. Praise You, Jesus.
“I am with you, My child. I am with My Church in this time of distress. I will not abandon you. I will not abandon My Church. Neither must you, My children. Love My Church. Pray for My Church. Forgive all who have harmed you. Forgive, forgive, forgive. I will deal with those who have harmed you. I am mercy and I am also justice. For your part, forgive. Allow Me to heal you. Allow Me to deal with those who have harmed you. Open your hearts to Me, for I will never let you down. Let us begin the work of healing, forgiveness, mercy and love. The world needs you. I need you.”
“My little lamb, I have put the desires in your heart for the program you are praying about. It is good, is of Me, and will bring souls to know My mercy and My love. Focus your energy and your efforts on learning about this program which is really more of a way of evangelizing than it is a program. It is a method to help your parish grow in the love and life of Jesus in the world. You must first begin within the parish so that My children are evangelized first and can then spread this to others. Then, when others come they will see a thriving, loving welcoming community of believers just like in the early days of My Church. Step out into the deep, My child. I will help you. My son (name withheld) will help you. You must work side by side to present a witness of love to others. I desire this of your family. Your love, your service will be a witness much louder than you can imagine. Be My visible sign of love and hospitality to others, My (name withheld) and My (name withheld). One day you will open your home to new family (others would say strangers but they are not strangers to Me). For now, you will open the homes of your hearts to others and teach others to do the same. You will learn this by doing and others will join you. I will prepare the heart of your shepherd but speak to him more about this once you have learned the format. Let us begin. This is important work I am calling you to do and you are almost ready. Ask My Holy Mother Mary and My St. Joseph to guide you. They are perfect examples of graciousness, hospitality, love and service. Ask for their guidance and direction in this endeavor. Consecrate your family to the Holy Family and I will draw your entire family even closer to My Sacred Heart.”
Praise You, Jesus! Thank You my Lord and my God. I love You, my adorable Jesus.
“And I love you. You may go in peace, My little lamb. Thank you for your friendship and your love. I thank all of My little ones for their love and friendship. I thank you for your service to the Kingdom. Continue to serve others in love as I love you. Let us begin without hesitation to do God’s Will, the Will of the Father. Do not lose heart, only pray for the gifts of the Holy Spirit and My Spirit will fill you. Go in peace. I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Be love, be mercy, be peace, be joy. All will be well.”
Praise Jesus Christ now and forever. Amen! Alleluia!
Source: ➥