Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, February 19, 2022
Mary is now close to Her intervention, She will come to your homes, take you by the hand and lead you with Her.
Message from Our Lady and Our Lord to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Most Holy Mary:
My children, I am here present in your midst, I love you with all my strength. The Lord is here with Me, He is at My side, He blesses you in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and He exhorts you to be strong in this final battle against the infernal enemy.
The hours are counted, everything is now proceeding according to God's plan. Satan puts his plan into action but God will destroy him in the twinkling of an eye.
Surrender yourself completely to prayer, implore the help of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, ... always in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Invoke the help of the Holy Family and St. Michael the Archangel.
Be united among yourselves, even if at a distance, pray the holy Rosary with your hearts, united in one heart one soul.
Be living witnesses of faith in Christ Jesus, be you who proclaim the holy Gospel. Come, My children, prepare My people for My Second Coming.
Oh all of you who are here present: ... behold, I look into your hearts, I see your sufferings, ... I support you in My Heart and bless you in a special way, I bring you help to go forward to defeat Satan.
Mary is now close to Her intervention, She will come to your homes, She will take you by the hand and lead you with Her, ... She will bring you to a place prepared to welcome all of you who have sown love and have proclaimed Love.
You are destined to live eternity together with your Creator God, My children, the New Earth is open to you! ... behold, the Gate is already open, ... a Garden full of fragrant flowers, love and infinite good.
Angels and Archangels, all Heaven is present in this place! My Angels are playing harps and zithers to welcome you into the new world where they will be with you forever, ... to embrace with you the Creator God, to live surrendered in His Presence.
We have reached the end times, the Apocalypse is at an end, soon there will be the great Armageddon, everything is ready!
"... A great sign will appear in the sky, everything will be darkened! This is the announcement that God the Father gives you today, through His Prophets: ... He declares the end of all evil.
We have come to the end, it is true, there will be much suffering, but it will be for those who will have chosen another path, ... not that of Heaven!
I offer My Heart to you My children, I place it in your hands, ... caress Me, keep Me in you, follow Me and love Me as I have loved you, give yourselves for the salvation of your brothers.
Pray intensely My children, your eyes will now see all that has been announced in the prophecies which will be fulfilled if man does not convert.
But know that, should your conversion happen, God is ready to stop the havoc to come: ... but I already see, to My great sorrow, that man wants to go another way, he has chosen to follow Satan, he has already abandoned in his heart his God the Creator! Each man is free to make his own choice, but I am still calling, ...until the end I will call, and until the end I will fight to bring My children back to Me.
Together with Holy Mary, We accompany you in this prayer and protect you from the attacks of the Evil One.
Beware oh you who do not listen to Me and still mock Me: "I AM your God, ... but you have not yet understood, ... the time will come when you will understand but it will be too late, ... there will be nothing to do. Amen!"
Source: ➥