Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, May 12, 2022
Behold, the time comes to the conjunction: Father, Son and Holy Spirit united with you forever!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 11.05.2022
A new Sun, a new life!
Here I am to you, My children, I am your Father, your True God, the Creator!
My beloved ones, I come to announce to you the short time you have left to live on this Earth cursed by Satan; ...very soon I will open My House! ...I will place you in love and grace, you will be guarded by Angels and enjoy all My Good.
Beloved My people, to you today I sing My infinite love, My ardent desire to embrace you to Me, ... I count the moments that remain before this wonderful meeting with you.
My children, prepare your hearts to enter the Dimension of Love, ... our meeting is imminent!
Children of Jerusalem, beloved children of God, behold, your Father proclaims the "Rebirth " ... a life to be enjoyed in the Beauties of My All. Embrace Me in you, My children!
Oh, what delight in you when I, your God, absorb you in Me! Oh, what grace for you beloved and sighing children!
Behold, the time comes to conjunction:
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, united with you forever!
What joy beloved ones! ...what joy in Me! At last I will be able to have you back My own forever! Everything here will be extinguished, ...the Earth will jolt, the hurricane will come in with force, ...this Humanity will suffer for not heeding My appeals, for not converting and uniting with the children of Light!
Oh, what sorrow for those who have denied Me! Oh, what misery for them!
Behold, already the heavens thunder! ... it is the voice of God the Father crying out His Justice!
Prepare yourselves O men, the time has come, your ordeal is already upon you!
Blessed are those who reading this message will open their hearts, repent to Me and rush to ask My forgiveness.
Courage My children, do not wait for the dark and painful night to descend.
Repent now!
Source: ➥