Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, June 7, 2022
Be Attuned to the Holy Gospel!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 06.06.2022 - 8:48 p.m.
Manage your conduct of life in holiness, O men, your God claims your holiness.
When I created man I put him under Me but gave him of Me that he might create, love, rejoice, sing, praise Me his Creator God.
You are the pearls of My love, O men, My most beautiful and precious jewels, that is why I do not want to lose you. I long to lavish you with Me, to give you the dignity of children of God.
A New Sun is about to rise, a new world where My children will enter to enjoy My immense Good.
The heavenly Jerusalem will descend from its Heaven, ... will put its light on Earth and transform everything into good. The time has come for the wonders of God!
All Creation groans, this Humanity is lost in the lure of the Devil. Repent O men, conversion is necessary for your rebirth in Me. Your refuge is in Me and only in Me is your salvation.
Economic disaster is upon us, this Humanity will be deprived of everything, will return without technology, ... will be tried to the point of despair.
Now I say to you who have the power: you are committing a grave sin, your fall will be unspeakable, your situations will catapult, you will wallow in the slime and you will cry out to Me for help with all the breath you have left in your body, but, in vain will be your waiting.
Behold, the sky is already tinged with red, the thunder will come terrible, it will rend your hearts, you will fall into the hands of your enemies.
Now calamities will follow one after another without respite: ... those who have trusted in science will be left to their own choice.
My little remnant, with Mary at the helm, will enter the New Era to enjoy my All.
Seek Me not in the places where I am not Present, today there are many false prophets, ... let right discernment be in you!
Do not follow those from the pulpit who praise themselves!
Those who show signs on their bodies to have credibility.
Do not fall for the deception!
They will soon collapse from their thrones.
Worship Me in your heart, O men, I am with you, in your heart you have of Me.
Love Me, worship Me, follow Me, serve Me with good works,
stay in tune with the holy gospel!
Source: ➥