Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, July 16, 2022
God the Father announces to you the end of this history in evil
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 14.07.2022 - 5:28 p.m.
Angels from Heaven with you!
Beloved children, the time has come for your return to the Father's House.
This is the hour of your ascent, put on your festive garb and come barefoot to dance on green meadows.
The House of God is waiting to admit His children, everything is ready for their entrance to true life, ... God's happiness is immense, soon He will embrace His children back to Himself. Oracle of the Lord!
Beloved child, write to my beloved people:
Behold, it is the voice of God the Father announcing to you the end of this history in evil, the new life is to be lived by God's chosen ones, those who have loved, worshipped, served and followed in faithfulness His Word.
I will dissolve every stain of sin and green the hearts of My children, they will have transfiguration in God and be beautiful forever.
The earth is ready for its metamorphosis, everything will be in God's light!
Rejoice O men, rejoice! Shout loudly the victory of your God Love, you will have all kinds of good and dwell in the Abodes of the Most High.
Lucifer's hours are numbered, his charm will perish forever! His accursed sarcasm will die with him.
My children, beloved children of Love, the wind is blowing hard, the battle is about to rage, ... cries for help will come from every corner of the Earth, ... it is about to precipitate everything that does not belong to God ... it is time for new things! Rejoice My children, rejoice! Prepare your hearts, eternal joy awaits you. Amen
Source: ➥