Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, July 30, 2022
My Children Be Light That Lights the Way, Be Salt That Gives Flavor, Be Lamps of Love That Burn for the Lord
Message from Our Lady to Simona in Zaro di Ischia, Italy

Message Of 07/26/2022 From Simona
I saw Mama, She was all dressed in white, on Her head a thin white veil that also served as a mantle and a crown of twelve stars. Mama had Her arms open in welcome and in Her right hand a long crown of the holy rosary. Mama had bare feet that rested on the world.
Praised be Jesus Christ
My dear children, seeing you here on this day dear to me fills My heart with joy. My children be light that lights the way, be salt that gives flavor, be lamps of love that burn for the Lord. My children I love you, I am the mother of humanity, the mother of each of you, mother of Christians. Open your hearts to Me and let Me become part of your lives and I will gently lead you to Jesus. My children, I love you and I ask you to remain close to me not to turn away from My Immaculate Heart. My children I cover you with My mantle and guard you, but if you turn away from Me this will no longer be possible for me. My children live a true Christian life, in the footsteps of My Son, live the sacraments, pray children pray. I love you My children, I love you.
Now I give you My holy blessing.
Thank you for flocking to Me.