Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
You are about to be raptured by the One who created you to be His
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 19.09.2022 (17.47)
Crushed by the weight of injustice, this Humanity loses vigor.
Beloved children, this is the hour of My intervention, be ready, with your shoes on your feet, your hips girded and your staff in your hand.
Embrace Me in absolute faithfulness! I am your Creator God, and I will help you if you stay with Me. Do not lose the light of hope. I AM!
The blizzard is coming, the world will go into turmoil, this Humanity will be denuded of all its rights, it will be brought to its knees!
The icy cold of death already grips many hearts stripped of their God Love.
Like puppets in the hands of puppeteers, men have fallen! They have grown strong in the devil: now they shall have their reward.
Damn you, Satan! ... You have abused My children, made them your slaves but your victory is ephemeral!
Behold, the heavens are opened for the Son of Man to descend to recover what seemed lost.
It is your end cursed serpent, your delirium will be eternal in the atrocious sufferings of Hell! Enough!
My Hour has come!
Prepare yourselves My children, your God is coming to free you from Satan's snares, He will take you with Himself and open the Gate to the Garden of eternal happiness!
Live by God's Laws,
Live the holy Gospel of Jesus.
Mortify yourselves in the flesh,
fortify yourselves in the spirit!
Return to Life, O men,
renounce sin!
renounce Satan!
Purify yourselves children, purify yourselves!
You are about to be raptured
by Him who created you to be His,
... to Him you will return!
Word of God!
Source: ➥