Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, May 13, 2024
Clothe Yourselves with the Light of My Jesus and Be Strong in Faith and Love for God
Message from the Queen of the Rosary to Gisella in Trevignano Romano, Italy on May 11, 2024

My dear children, thank you for listening to My call in your hearts. Beloved children, here kneeling at My feet, you are the crown of roses that I always want...the most beautiful flowers that smell of Faith. My children, remember that those who hate, who have the feeling of jealousy, envy and pride toward their brothers and sisters, it is because they do not really know God's Love. You, My children, clothe yourselves with the light of My Jesus and be strong in Faith and Love for God. My children, I ask you to pray for China, to pray for your rulers who do not want to change. Now I bless you with My motherly blessing, in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.
Our sweetest Mother is always joyful when we gather at Her feet in prayer, for we form a crown of roses. With motherly love, She invites us to cultivate the feelings of Faith of God's Love. While the brethren who nurture all those feelings that come from Evil, it is because they have not known the true Love of the Lord.
Let us pray unceasingly for the conversion of rulers throughout the world, that they may always make fair decisions for the good of all humanity. A special thought in prayer let us turn to China, this great country that sometimes "threatens" winds of war. But we know well that the Lord wants only Peace for the whole world and for all His children.
Source: ➥