Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, May 13, 2024
I Am the True Church, Your Guide and Educator in the Faith
Message of Mary Ark of Salvation to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy on February 2, 2024

Dear children, I am Mary Ark of Salvation. Take refuge in Me.
I am the True Church, your Guide and Educator in the Faith.
Follow Me and you will have Peace. Forgive and you will have divine forgiveness. Abandon grudges, resentments. Find Peace in Me and Jesus.
Remember, I am your MOTHER and I lead the Flock in these Evil Last Times.
Pray, believe, fast. Be holy as God is holy.
Come on, go ahead. Do not fear, go ahead. Purify yourselves slowly from old dross.
There is little time left and Satan is furious. Entrust yourselves to Me and fight the Last Battle.
I pray to Jesus to send you legions of Angels to make the demons beat a retreat. Invoke the Guardian Angels.
I bless you all and spread My Royal Mantle over you. Light candles in your homes. Shalom My beloved little ones.
(We follow Mary Ark of Eternal Salvation, True Church for us of the Little Remnant. Let us praise Mary, follow Her in Her Calls to Brindisi, meekly accepting the Call to conversion and holiness. LET US DEEPEN FATIMA. Let us make altars at home and pray as a family. Hallelujah)