Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, May 16, 2024
The Curtain Falls on This Ancient Age, the New Time Comes in the Beauty of the Living God
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on May 15, 2024

The House of David faces this unbelieving and perverse Humanity, the Hand of God already descends in His righteousness!
My people, chosen people, to you I defer today:
I am your Savior, your God Love, I ask for comfort and faithfulness to Me, do not deviate from My Commands, do not turn your heart elsewhere, I am the One who can do all things.
Be loving to one another, do not hinder My Work, do not betray! Let your offerings to Me be true, do not offend your God Love lest His justice seize you.
The curtain falls on this ancient Age, the new time comes in the beauty of the living God.
Beloved children, oh all of you who are working for the realization of My saving Project, verily I say to you: be men of peace and love, convert your brothers, lead them to Me; I long to open to you My heavenly Garden, filled with all My good, to be lived in the fullness of My All. I await you before the Gate to open it upon your arrival. I wish to give you to enjoy true life in Me. I am all Love, I am pure Love, in Me is eternal Life in the immense jubilation of My infinite Love.
Children of Jerusalem, here I am coming to you, taking you by the hand and nourishing you with My Holy Spirit. Your lives are about to change, you are about to be transfigured in Me. Let your souls rejoice, they will shortly enjoy their freedom, let your bodies rejoice in their transformation to new and perfect beings in God.
God's grace is for His elect, for those who have recognized and followed Him without uncertainty.
Thunders the Creator's voice over this Humanity lost in the illusions of the Devil. God is calling His beloved children back to Himself; He ardently desires their salvation; He longs to have them back His own.
Embrace the holy Gospel, O men, believe the prophecies of Fatima.
The seven-headed, ten-horned monster is wrapping you to Himself, beware of falling into its deadly net.
Pray and fast, O men, forsake the things of this world, turn your hearts to Heaven from where your salvation comes.
Black clouds, thick with smoke, will shortly envelop the Earth.
Satellites falling toward Earth.
Powerful solar explosions in progress.
Hail, rain, wind, tornadoes will bring this Humanity to its knees.
Earth tremors in progress.
Strongly churning seas are about to hit land. Do not stay close to the coasts.
Unknown diseases already strike man: there will be many deaths.
The adversary is putting its worst evil into action: ... nuclear power!
I ask My beloved people for true conversion. Return to your Father in Heaven, O men, there is no time to lose, the move of the infernal enemy is about to be unleashed on this Humanity unaware of the evil that will suddenly strike it.
Take cover O men!
Consecrate yourselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary! Entrust yourselves to Her!
Trust in Her Maternal help.
Source: ➥