Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, May 16, 2024
Our Lady Is Pleased When You Pray with Your Heart
Message from Lucia of Fatima and St. Joseph to the Holy Trinity Love Group in Italy on May 13, 2024 during Prayer Meeting - Anniversary of Our Lady’s First Apparition in Fatima

Brothers, sisters, I am Lucia of Fatima, Our Lady is here, can you believe it? Then She wants to be heard, honor Her, praise Her, exalt Her.
Brothers, sisters, Our Lady comes to you as often as you wish. Our Lady is pleased when you pray with your heart, She loves to give you Her presence as you have felt it now, as you have praised Her, with strong shudders, confirm.
I want to tell you, even though I lived many years locked up, My heart was always full of joy, because I was not alone, I was never alone, even though at times I missed everything, but My life was mystical, and they never wanted to let it be known, they felt small before the greatness of Our Lord when they saw Him through what happened to Me.
Our Lord has determined all along that My life, what I have lived, must be known. No one will ever have the courage to say what he knows, even though many have left this world, what they knew about Me they have revealed to those who came after, this is by Our Lord's will, because when they hear what I reveal through you, they will have confirmations.
Brothers, sisters, never be afraid, if you do the will of Our Lord nothing will fail you, just like the Apostles of Our Lord, and just like all those who served Our Lord in this world. I want to reveal to you the key to being strong, obedience and humility are the key to never falling, always remember that.
Brothers, sisters, since today is a special day, I reveal to you another thing, Our Lady one day said to Me: Lucia, You cannot see what is happening in the world, My children will be dragged into sin, destroying the image of the Holy Family, Lucia the future of mankind will get worse on this aspect, satan will bring sin to normality, making people unite against nature, and this is an offense to Our Lord and to the Holy image He gave to mankind through the Holy Family, with Joseph My spouse in this world, who fulfilled the will of God the Father Almighty.
Brothers, sisters, I was confused and distressed by all this, I did not know how to console Our Lady who was telling Me all this weeping. Lady it is a very bad thing, I will do many penances so that this does not happen. My child, they will not be enough, but You in the future will help Me. What I am doing today brothers and sisters, I am helping Our Lady.
After this dialogue, in My room, in the convent in Coimbra, Joseph himself showed up and started talking to Me, and that is what He is going to do today. He is going to talk to you as well, this is happening by the will of Our Lord.
That day was May 13, one of the many of My years lived in this world, Joseph, St. Joseph, did not stay long with Me, at least to Me it seemed that immediately it ended, but what He said to Me, accompanied Me throughout My life, and I wrote down what He revealed to Me about the Holy Family.
My children, that day, when You appeared to Lucia, there were few sisters in the convent, many had flocked to Fatima, I consoled Lucia, and I said to Her: Lucia, My child, this world cannot bestow what Heaven bestows, do not fear, everything you are experiencing here is all by the will of God, do not be distressed by the things that happen, You are still a little girl, when My Little Son and Your Brother Jesus, was Your age, He received many sufferings, all this happened because God wished to prepare Him when His time would come, I many times did not understand, but I, like You Lucia, was continually enlightened by the Angels who appeared to Me.
Lucia, Mary is revealing to You the secrets of Heaven, because You can reserve them in Your heart, and at the right time You will reveal them, God has given You a strong spirit, and day by day He is strengthening You. Many times you fear that all this you cannot sustain, but Mary is close to You, making You understand that You are chosen.
My children, as I was talking to Lucia, She was crying and praying, I approached Her so She could feel My hand on Her face, She kissed Me and thanked Me. Lucia, I said to Her, when Jesus was born, God took Mary with Jesus and placed Us as the image of the Holy Family of Heaven and Earth.
In those times there was much fear, but evil has darkened many eyes, and even in those times there was perversion, what is revealing to You Mary, has repeated itself and will repeat itself, but You can pray and pass on the help that Mary is giving through You in the world. My daughter, Your hand is clasped with Mary, take care, She never leaves You, She is in Your heart, You know, Your spirit of truth is being strengthened, the moment God gives You permission, nothing can stop You.
Brothers, sisters, after a while, I sent the message of Joseph to the little people of Fatima, and a very large part jealously preserved the Sacred Image of the Family, because they believed My words. Many went to the Cova every May 13, and received great signs.
Brothers, sisters, I understand that it is so much that I am revealing to you, I will stop here, soon I will speak to you again, I have so much, but so much to tell you, this is a task that Our Lord has entrusted to Me.
I have to go, but first, once again, I would like you to praise Our Lady, because She is pleased when you do that. Our Lady when She first appeared to Us, to Me, to Jacinta and to Francisco, She was all dressed in white, only the belt was golden, that white was a light, a white that does not exist in this world. Our Lady blesses you all, in the name of Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
Our Lady is with me and with you.