Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Urgent Call from Jesus, the Good Shepherd to His Flock.
The Kings of This World Are Preparing to Welcome My Adversary!

Peace to you, sheep of my flock
Every day that goes is shortest the time; great sign for all those who ask for signs to change. They do not realize that all is happening around and continue asking for signs, because they do not believe. This ungrateful and sinful generation is arriving to the limit of its decadency, when this happens, will unleash the Divine Justice, which will restore order and law in all the ends of the earth.
The time of great purification draws close, and many will not pass the trial. In the midst of great tribulation will arrive ‘my warning’ that many will not resist, because their sins and lack of repentance will not allow them to endure the presence of God. As a Good Shepherd, I am calling on the door of this humanity, but many refuse open up for me, they turn their backs and do not want to know about me.
Very soon everything will be suspended, nothing will move, the silent will take over the souls and will be judged, weighed and measured. My awakening of consciences will show you the truth and the existence of God, One and Triune. Only One and True, Lord of lords, God of gods, Regent of the Universe. I say one again: ‘Be ready, because it is close my awakening of consciences’!
My flock, I announce you that the financial power holding nations is about to fall down, a lot of wealth will roll over the ground, and many nations will be in bankruptcy. Mankind will go crazy; chaos and anarchy will make many places of the earth unliveable. Foods will become scarce, the universe will convulse and fire from heaven, as never been seen before, will fall over the earth, many nations will die of hungry and thirsty.
The kings of this world are preparing to welcome my adversary! They will announce, through the communication media, the arrival of the expected messiah. The huge majority will believe the deception and will adore my adversary as god. The show of deceit is about to begin, the communication media of the nations that serve my adversary will spread over the whole world the appearance of the false messiah. Recall what my word says: "Look! The messiah is here! He is there!, do not believe it. For false Messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and wonders so great that they would deceive even God’s chosen people, if that were possible. See, I have told you everything ahead of time. So, if anyone tells you: ‘He is in the desert’, do not go. If they say: ‘He is in such a secluded place’, do not believe it”. (Matthew 24, 23-26).
My children, take care not to fall into the deceitfulness, you know that it is my opponent, who will show it to mankind as meek lamb to gain the men’s sympathy. My children watch out that not bring to your home my adversary’s image already circulating around the world with the words: ‘the friend who never fails’. Remember that he is the father of lies, the great counterfeiter, for his gaze, you will know that this image does not represent me, for in it has not love nor humility just pride. Be alert and vigilant for that is not my image; do not welcome my adversary into your home so you will not have nasty surprises, and have to lament for it. The antichrist’s images will come to life, and where are exposed, will open homes doors for my opponent and his apostate angels.
My children, I remind you once again, seal with My Blood: televisions, radios, phones, computers, electronics equipments and all your materials and spirituals goods; do not receive anything from strangers, and ask a lot discernment to the Holy Spirit for many companies and multinationals are serving the enemy, and in the time of the New World Order, everything will be branded with my adversary’s mark or with the seal of the New World Order. Abstain from consuming these products. I forewarn of this before it happens so you do not say tomorrow that you were not warned. Beware for my adversary and his evil agents will seek for all means to make lose and rob your soul. Let the children of darkness do not remain smarter than children of light. My peace I leave you, my peace I give you. Repent and convert for the kingdom of God is near. Thy Master: Jesus of Nazareth, The Good Shepherd of all times.
Make known my messages to all mankind.