Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Mary’s, Mystical Rose, Call to God’s Children.
All Those, Who, in One Way or Another, Profane the Sacred Places, Commit Sacrilege and They Should Confess and Atone for It!

Little children, may peace of God be with you.
Little children, it pains me and saddens me to see how some of our shrines and sacred places are profane by evil emissaries and by many of you; the saddest is to see that God’s children do nothing, there is not a voice that rises up in defense of Our Sacred Places, my children seem spiritually lethargic, and they remain undaunted in the face of this vile abuse. Satan’s smoke is entering in holy places, the wickedness and the lower instincts, of the children of darkness and of the many, who say that they belong to God, are thorns which pierce Our Hearts.
How sad I feel, my little children, to see many who only come to sanctuaries in search of miracles, but they have not a desire for sincere conversion. What makes me sad to see those who are hurry, do not reach when they are already out. Others come to converse as if the sanctuaries and Holy places were places to make visits: they talk and talk, laugh and distract to those few, who come to pray. And what to say of my young, who are so deceived by my adversary; how pains me and sadness me to see my young approaching to holy places immodestly dressed, they come wearing clothes, which are not best suited to visit this places of meditation and prayer. Many chew gum, smoke, talk on cellular and utter obscene words.
Many adults come to take a walk; taking the shrines as places to give a walk and let full of garbage and food waste. Tears run down from my eyes, and the angels weep with me, to see the little faith and the lack of commitment of many who cannot understand that the sanctuaries and My Father’s Houses are holy places, which you come to pray, to praise, to do penance and to intercede for one another and for the sinners of the whole world. The shrines, churches and holy places are heaven’s spaces where you should keep silence, meditate and contemplate. All those, who, in one way or another, profane the sacred places, commit sacrilege and they should confess and atone for it!
Many indulgences, you lose by your bad behavior in holy places! Poor, when my little children will take conscience? There are so many blessings that heaven gives you for your salvation, but many of you are wasting it by your misbehavior and lack of faith! Every visit that you do with faith to sanctuaries, Tabernacles, or Holy Places there are indulgences that you receive, and it will serve to erase many of your sins; these indulgences are spiritual gifts of God for your salvation. Look, how many of you let lose it for your bad behavior and lack of charity towards God and thy mother.
Reconsider, little children, and take conscience now; stop desecrating our sanctuaries and holy places; because my Father will ask account of all this when you arrive to eternity! Turn your eyes to Creator and conduct yourselves as true God’s children, for you will have not to lament tomorrow, when you will be present before the Supreme Tribunal. May the peace of God and the love of this mother remain with you all always!
Thy mother: Mary, Mystical Rose.
Make known my messages to all mankind.