Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Friday, April 22, 2016
Most Urgent Appeal from Mary, the Mystical Rose, to the People Of. God.
Poor Souls of the Wicked Nations, Because You Are Going to Know the Righteous Wrath of My Father!

Little children of my heart, may the peace of my Lord be with you. My children, I feel very sad and I cannot stop weeping, seeing that my rebellious little children do not want to tend to appeals from heaven. The days of divine justice are approaching and soon my Father’s creation will enter into the final stage of its transformation. My Father’s creation is about to enter the final birth pangs and there will be no place on earth where her wailing will not be felt.
Millions of souls will be lost for not having wanted to listen to our calls to conversion and for not paying attention to the signs and indications that are being given to you. Signs and manifestations so clear and abundant as have never before been seen on earth. Heaven is exhausting all its resources, seeking to save the greatest number of souls, but this humanity refuses to listen to us.
As volcanoes awaken, there will soon be a chain reaction. Many nations are going to remain destroyed and will not rise again. The great yellow dragon of the large nation to the north is close to erupting and many cities and towns of this large country are going to remain devastated and others will disappear.
The tectonic plates are going to move and their movement will cause continents to move, due to the chain of eruptions of these volcanoes. Woe to you, nation of the Eagle, because your sin and evil will be your destruction! Woe to you, my beloved Colombia! Woe to you, my land of Mexico! Woe to you, lone star nation, because you are going to be purified! Poor souls of the wicked nations, because you are going to know the righteous wrath of my Father! Only weeping, destruction and death will be heard from them. Your wickedness, injustice and sin will be punished by divine justice.
How many appeals for conversion and how much mercy my Father has had with you, wicked nations! You have mocked the Ten Commandments and have ignored our calls to conversion. So, divine justice is the price that you will pay for all your sins and injustices. Creation that you mistreated so much will make you pay and your technology will be of no use to you. The Just Wrath of God will cast itself upon you wicked nations and you will not be remembered.
Little children, pray for God's children living in these wicked nations, so that, just like Lot's family, they may be protected and be able to leave them, before the righteous wrath of God is poured out on these nations. Pray for all the Christian martyrs who are shedding their blood for the strengthening of faith in those nations of the Far East. Take them into account in your prayers, Masses and rosaries; do not be indifferent to your brethren, because today it is they and tomorrow it could be you.
Little children, the financial collapse that will give way to the worldwide implementation of the mark of the beast is drawing near. Everything is already set to begin the final reign of my adversary; the days of the beast are approaching and that will mean martyrdom, persecution and death for the people of God.
I make an urgent appeal to you, little children, so that on May 13th, the day of my appearance in the Cova da Iria, you will make of it a great day of prayer, fasting and penance worldwide, from 6:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Colombia time, pleading to Our Heavenly Father to have mercy on humanity, before the events that are about to be unleashed. I count on you, my Marian Army, my Legionaries and all my beloved of the Marian Movement of Priests. I want this appeal to be spread worldwide. May the entire Catholic Christian world heed this call and may it reach all the corners of the earth, because what is at stake is the salvation of millions of souls. I give notice in advance so that you will prepare yourselves for this great day. I will be with you spiritually, so that together we may pray to the Father and cry out for His infinite mercy, because existing sin and evil have aroused the righteous wrath of God. So, prepare yourselves, little children, because the days of the great trial are approaching.
May the peace of my Lord abide in you.
Your Mother, Mary, Rosa Mystica, loves you.
Make known my messages to all mankind.