Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Thursday, December 8, 2016
Appeal of Jesus Fallen to Humanity. the Basilica of Jesus the Fallen, Girardota, Antioquia, Colombia.
Celestial Manifestations Are About to Be Realized; You Are Going to Witness Phenomena Never Before Seen by the Eye in Order for You to Reconsider and Come Back to God!

My children, My peace be with you.
Time is about to become shorter when there is going to be a cosmic phenomenon of great magnitude in that the axis of the earth will move; the continents will move and the earth will totter. You will see appear in space a great celestial body that is drawing near, but it will not touch the Earth. Its gravitational field will affect all communications on your planet; these will be interrupted for some time.
Be prepared spiritually and materially, because the days of spiritual and material famine are drawing near. Feed yourselves as much as you can on my Body and Blood, store non-perishable products and plenty of water, so that you remain strengthened in body and soul and you will triumph over the trial that is coming to you.
Heavenly manifestations are about to be realized; you are going to witness phenomena never before seen by the eye in order for you to reconsider and come back to God. My Father’s creation has begun its transformation and everything in the universe will be troubled so that you witness with your eyes the power and wisdom of God.
Do not be alarmed; everything that you are going to see in the sky is part of the plan that God has to begin his New Creation. The men of science of your world will marvel at the celestial phenomena they will witness and many will praise the greatness of the Creator. Others, on the other hand, will say that everything is normal and that it is part of the evolution of the Earth through the so-called big bang phenomenon that, according to them, gave rise to the universe. But you, My people, you know that all these are signs that announce my anticipated return.
So, be alert and vigilant because the Master is approaching; Prepare your lamps with prayer, so that when He knocks on your door He will find you awake and you can open for me so that we may have dinner together. My Warning is drawing near; run to put your accounts in order. Turn away from sin and darkness so that you can walk as children of the Light. Let him who is in a state of sin return as soon as possible to the love of God and turn from the evil way. The axe is already at the root of the tree and every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire. Make straight your way, rebellious children, because you have very little time left. Do not be disobedient; see that your life is at stake. When I knock on your door, I desire that you be awake and not asleep, for whoever is found asleep due to sin will remain so and will not wake up again. I want you to get up if you have fallen; my arms are ready to lift you up. Fear not, for I am your Father who does not want to see you lost. Come, I am waiting for you. I am Christ, haggard and sad, and I await your return in silence. From here where I have fallen by the weight of your sins, I say to you: I am the fallen one who lifts up the fallen and who waits for all those who the weight of sin allows us to lift up. Come, I want to lift you up like the paralytic, so that you may walk along the path that leads to eternal life.
Your Teacher, Jesus, the fallen one, who lifts up the fallen.
My children, make known my messages to all mankind.