Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Urgent Call of Mary Auxiliatrix to the people of God.
Mother of God: The trial has begun, remain United to My Son and Me.

Little children of my Heart, the peace of My Lord be with you and My protection and help, always accompany you.
My children, gather around your Mother, do not let go of My hands, because these days and those that are about to come are of Divine Justice. The test has begun, remain united to My Son and ME, and none of you, my little ones, will be lost. Do not be frightened or filled with dismay, so that panic may not seize you; trust, trust, and everything will be going according to the Divine Will.
Little children, the Protective Shield of My Holy Rosary will not allow the forces of evil to harm you. All My faithful children should pray with my Holy Rosary and wear It on their neck, so they can receive my protection. Have It blessed and exorcised so that It gives you greater spiritual protection. My Holy Rosary is powerful Armor that blinds satan and his demons and makes hell tremble. Let us relax with prayer, remember that you are in times of purification; If you want to remain in victory, fasting, prayer and penance, you must do. If you put into practice what I tell you, no demon can touch you.
My children, I remind you that the days of trial will grow, in all aspects of your life, you are going to have tribulation. And the saddest thing for you, will be the attacks that you will receive from your own relatives. The immense majority of this ungrateful and sinful humanity, will feel more strongly the days of trial. Many will not resist and will end up taking their lives; others will going crazy and will spill blood; many others will join My adversary, they will sell their soul and die eternally.
Little children, when My incarnated adversary begins his last reign, the tribulation for the children of God, will be stronger. He will go against the People of God and many martyrs will shed their blood. The Children of God will go into exile, deprived of all their goods; it will look like My adversary has triumphed, but behold Elijah and Enoch, they will preach with the power of God and bring comfort to his People; they will destroy the heresies and deceptions of My adversary and will be a spiritual balm that will mitigate the thirst of the people of God that will walk through the desert of purification, towards the Promised Land, the Heavenly Jerusalem.
Be ready and prepared My little children, because the time of your freedom is about to come. Do not let go of My Holy Rosary; pray with It, in sync and out of sync, to be the compass that will take you safely to the doors of the New Creation.
May the peace of My Lord remain in you, My beloved children.
Your Mother loves you, Mary Auxiliatrix.
Let My messages be known to all My children.