Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Monday, September 16, 2019
Urgent call of God the Father to His faithful people. Message to Enoch.
Days of scarcity and famine are approaching.

My people, my inheritance, my Peace be with you.
Moral, social and spiritual decadence is on the rise, this humanity rides toward the cliff for lack of God in his heart. The days of the great tribulation are closer and very few will be the ones who will resist it; lack of faith, united to a lack of prayer and of commitment to your Heavenly Father, will cause many for their lukewarmness to perish. My people become accustomed to live with the high and low temperatures, because they are going to intensify more and more, making many places on earth unsuitable to live in. The nights in many places will be frosty and in other ones, the heat will be intense; this will affect the ecosystem of land and sea, bringing scarcity and famine throughout the earth.
For a time, you will have a lack of rainwater that cools the earth; it will be a dry and arid time, another sign that the sky will give you, seeking s your conversion. Pray, fast, and do penance in those days for the rainwater to return, or otherwise, there will come a time of drought and famine that will devastate all humankind. Therefore, inheritance of mine, days of scarcity are coming at the world level and the vast majority of humanity, because of his rebelliousness and apathy to my calls, will not be prepared to face them. The earth in those days close to begin, will only bear bad fruit, famine and drought, will bring plagues and epidemics, and much of humanity will die of hunger and thirst, for not wanting to heed my Heavenly calls.
Again I repeat to you: days of scarcity and famine are approaching; those of you who can, go gathering non-perishable products and water, so you can have some stored. Those who lack of financial means, fear not, the much or the little you may have I will multiply, if you share it with your brethren and you ask for it with faith, just as I did with the widow of Sarephta at the time of the Prophet Elijah (1 Kings 17: 8 to 24).
My people, the water is running out on your planet, do not waste it; protect water reserves, springs and river basins, so that they do not dry out; make good use of this natural good essential for the creation and the survival of all creatures, including the human kind. Value this natural treasure and protect it, because the days are approaching when this precious liquid will be scarcer than the gold to offer. Protect your planet; do not continue to contaminate it or to waste natural resources, so that you do not die of thirst and of hunger. Remember that my Creation is a living organism, which gets hurt and resents for your mistreatment; if you continue to contaminate her, if you continue to destroy her and to cut down her trees, you will soon run out of oxygen and of water, and if this happens, life of the earth with all its creatures will disappear.
I make an urgent call to you Kings of the Nations and Inhabitants of the Earth, that you may stop exploiting mercilessly my Creation; do not continue to destroy the natural reserves, do not continue to pollute or to waste water, because if you go on this way, very soon my Creation will be a desert. The environmental pollution, the falling of trees and the destruction of water sources, are changing the climate across the planet; the high and cold temperatures will bring more hurricanes, tornadoes and natural disasters, which the science of man cannot contain. The climate change on Earth is caused by all the mistreatment you are giving the planet. Reforest, reforest as soon as the earth; take care of the natural reserves and of the water and do not continue to pollute the planet, so that it can breathe again and your children tomorrow can continue to enjoy this paradise!
Your Father, Yahweh, Lord of the Creation
Let my messages be known to all mankind, inheritance of mine.