Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Call of Mary who Sanctifies to the People of God. Message to Enoch.
Many fireballs are about to fall on your world.

My Beloved Children, the Peace of my Lord be with you all and my Love and Maternal Protection, always accompany you.
Little children, many fireballs are about to fall on your world; do not panic, when this begins to happen what you must do is to pray and to praise the Glory of God. The power of my Holy Rosary will be of great help to you in these days of purification; if you pray my Rosary with faith, I will give you the Peace of my Son and everything will be more bearable to you; in the face of the events that are about to come, your greatest protection will be the prayer of my Rosary and the praise to God the Father.
Many nations for their wickedness and sin will disappear from the face of the earth, the Divine intervention is urgent; for sin and evil have intensified and if purification is not promptly given, today's mankind would destroy the creation. This humanity is more and more distant from God, the moral, social and spiritual values are in decline and sin and wickdness have reached their limit. God's creation does not bear so much outrage, the sin of today's man is destabilizing the balance and the harmony of the created things; all the elements of creation will soon rebel against this ungrateful and sinful generation.
Millions of souls are going to disappear in the passage of the Divine Justice and the immense majority will be eternally lost. Help me, little children, with your prayers, fasting, and penances, to rescue so many souls who roam this world, without God and without Law! Never before so many lost soul, the sin and the wickedness of this generation keep hell filled with souls.
My Children, I am very saddened to see so many families and homes, gradually being lost because of the technology of these end times. What a pain I feel in my Heart of Mother, with so many little children of mine, that from the time they get up until going to bed, they live immersed in the technology of this world! They do not rest nor they interact as a family and the saddest, they have no time for God and for prayer. The god of technology is going to be in charge to take those families to the eternal damnation. The work, the technology and the worries of this world are stealing the spaces for dialogue and for prayer in families. Many parents have entrusted the education of their children to the god of technology; from a young age my children get introduced into the world of technology and learn faster to handle the cell phone, the TV or the computer, than to talk.
Parents, again I turn to you, so that you may be very aware of what your children see, play and listen to,! There are TV shows that seem harmless, but they are not; many cartoons are being programmed with the ideology of gender, by teaching my little ones that (male of female) sex does not exist, that boys can behave like girls and girls like boys. There are other children's programs that teach occultism, or that lead my little ones to rebellion, violence or sex. Parents do not continue to be so permissive with the upbringing of your children, because due to your permissiveness, you have today many families being adrift, and many families condemned eternally. Reconsider parents, so tomorrow you do not have to lament! Take back the prayer of my Holy Rosary as a family, set a time for prayer and dialogue in your homes; control the use of technology and instill in your children the moral, social and spiritual values. Pray, talk and listen more to my little ones, parents I ask you this to you from the heart!
Your Mother loves you, Mary who Sanctifies.
Make my advocation and my messages known to all mankind, my Beloved Little Children.