Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Call of Jesus of Mercy to His Faithful People. Message to Enoch
Beloved Ones, Do Not Fear or Sadden Your Heart; Remember That I Will Not Abandon You!

My Peace be with you all, My Beloved People.
Beloved ones, do not fear or sadden your hearts; remember that I will not abandon you. Accept these tests of purification with love, because they are necessary so that you can inhabit My New Creation tomorrow. Difficult days are coming but if you have faith and trust in Me, nothing that is to come will harm you. Remember what My Word says: Who can separate us from the Love of God? Suffering or hardship or persecution or hunger or nakedness or danger or death? Nothing can separate us from the Love that God has shown us in Christ Jesus our Lord! (Romans 8. 35, 39)
Again I tell you My little ones: Do not fear, I am your Light and Salvation. I am your strength. (Psalm 27.1) Trust in Me, and give Me all your worries and needs, that I will carry for you, and in the measure of your faith, I will send you My Love, My Peace and My Mercy. Don't worry about what to eat, drink, or wear. Is not life worth more than food and the body more than clothing? My Father feeds the birds of the sky and dresses the lilies of the field; Are you not worth more than they? (Matthew 6. 25, 26, 27,28)
I am your Jesus of Infinite Mercy, come to Me, and I will provide for you. Pray My Rosary of Mercy and then My Rosary of Provision, that I gave you through My Messenger, and I will send you the daily bread. In times of scarcity and famine, that are beginning, keep in mind My Rosaries, so that you can receive My blessing. Be charitable and merciful to your neediest brothers; May your faith be accompanied by works so that you are irreproachable in the eyes of My Father. Those of you who have stored food, do not forget that in the days of famine, you must share it; Remember that My Father will multiply every grain of food in your pantry, that you give with love to your neediest brothers. Prayer, love, faith and charity with your brothers will be the strength that will help you to succeed in the trials that lie ahead. Only if you are united in love for God and your brothers, can you overcome the adversities and calamities of these days of purification.
My beloved people, you are already walking through the desert, but do not fear; remain in My Love, help each other; do not be sad and do not let peace be stolen from you. On the contrary, be happy and rejoice, for the end of your slavery is near.
Stay in My Peace, My Beloveds
Your Jesus of Infinite Mercy
Make My messages known to all humanity, My children