Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Friday, May 1, 2020
Call of Jesus the Good Shepherd to His Flock. Message to Enoch
Sheep of My Flock, Very Soon You Will Witness Holographic Projections in the Firmament; Be Careful, My Flock, You Are Fooled, Because These Holograms Are the Beginning of the Show of Deception with Which the Emissaries of Evil Want to Prepare Humanity for the Birth of the Antichrist!

Sheep of My flock, My Peace be with you.
My flock, humanity is living in days of anguish and uncertainty; I tell you, you are going to have to get used to living with these days, because they are part of your purification. Do not despair; Rather, thank God for how much or how little you will receive in these fateful days. Humanity apart from God will not be able to resist these tribulations; Only if you are spiritual and have your faith and trust in Me, will you be able to resist the confinement, the famine, the unemployment, the shortage, the anguish and other tribulations, which the pandemics will leave on their path.
As the days go by new viruses will appear; I announce this to you, not to scare or to panic you, but to prepare yourself spiritually and materially. Again I say to you: If you are united to Me, like the vine branch, you must not worry, because I, your Eternal Shepherd, will be your refuge, protection and shelter. The days of confinement will be prolonged and much of humanity will go mad and make the blood flow. In many nations will be revolts and demonstrations, especially in the poorest ones; They will demand that their rulers act with equity and social justice. Hunger, unemployment, scarcity and lack of opportunities will trigger civil wars; many nations, due to the fall of the economies, will go bankrupt.
My flock, Atheistic communism will take advantage of all these demonstrations to spread its tentacles and take over the government of many nations. Communism will spread throughout the world and will enslave many countries; He will be one of the Antichrist's greatest allies, in his last reign. When humanity is more troubled, My Glorious Cross will appear in the sky, which will fill My Flock with hope and faith, and will announce the arrival of My Warning.
Sheep of My flock, very soon you will witness holographic projections in the firmament; Be careful, My flock, you are fooled, because these holograms are the beginning of the Show of Deception with which the emissaries of evil want to prepare humanity for the birth of the Antichrist! Many luminous spheres that you call unidentified flying objects (UFOs) will also begin to manifest in quantity in many places on Earth. The rulers and men of science of your world will say that they are aliens, beings of light, who come peacefully to live with the human race and share its technology. Beware, My flock, do not fall into this deception, because you know that these beings do not come from other worlds, but that they are demons disguised as beings of light, who will accompany the Antichrist in his last reign!
So be attentive and vigilant, My flock, that you may not fall into these deceptions; the holographic projections and the demons you call Aliens are part of the Show of Deception, with which My adversary wants to make himself known to humanity. You are warned, that nothing or nobody will take you by surprise; May the children of darkness no longer be smarter than the children of light.
My Peace I leave you, My peace I give you. Repent and convert, for the Kingdom of God is near.
Your Master, Jesus the Good Shepherd
Make My messages known to all humanity, Sheep of My Flock