Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Sunday, April 4, 2021
Call of Jesus of Mercy to His Faithful People. Message to Enoch.
Sinful Humanity, I Am Your Jesus of Mercy, Who Waits for You Until the Consummation of the Last Second; I Am Waiting for You with Open Arms, Because You Well Know That I Do Not Want to See You Die Eternally!

My people, My Peace be with you
My children, you are already living through fateful days, bad news will accompany you as you pass through the desert of purification. I am your Jesus of Mercy, who with open arms awaits the return of the lost sheep. Run, prodigal children, do not leave your conversion until the last moment, for perhaps you will no longer be able to reach the Boat of My Mercy. Never before has so much wickedness and so much sin been seen on earth, as is the case with this generation of these last times; sin and wickedness that frightens even the very hells.
In this generation is where more souls have been condemned and will continue to be condemned by modernism, apostasy, and above all by the alienation from God. As the days go by, wickedness and sin intensify, sinning has become a habit for this ungrateful humanity. This is why I am pouring out My Mercy more abundantly, hoping that the vast majority of humanity will awaken and return to the Love and Mercy of God. It pains and saddens Me to see how the generations that are being born and growing up are already marked with the seal of wickedness and sin; the lack of love and charity of the men of these last times, is an affront to My Love and Mercy.
Moral and spiritual values are in decline due to the lack of love, dialogue, understanding and above all, the lack of God in most homes and families. I suffer seeing this reality in many families today, where the shepherds of the home are not assuming with responsibility and commitment, the sacred gift of loving, guiding and educating their children, according to the teaching and fulfillment of My Holy Precepts. My Decalogue of Love is forgotten and broken daily by the immense majority of humanity; this is why homes, families and societies today are adrift. The lack of love and of God in the heart of this humanity is the cause of moral and spiritual decadence. My Holy Precepts are the Decalogue of Love, they are the Law that God gave you so that you could live in harmony with Him and with your brothers. The non-compliance with My Precepts is the cause today of so much evil, sin and injustice.
Come back to Me, ungrateful and sinful humanity; take up again, shepherds of My Church and shepherds of the home, the teaching and fulfillment of My precepts, so that sin and wickedness may cease to reign in this world! Sinful humanity, I am your Jesus of Mercy, who waits for you until the consummation of the last second; I am waiting for you with open arms, because you well know that I do not want to see you die eternally. Hurry, because the seconds of My Mercy are running out; and what comes after My Warning and Miracle, is My Justice and it knows no mercy. Prodigal children, do not fear, if you repent from your heart of your sins and return to Me, I assure you that I will forgive you and I will not remember your sins again, no matter how great they may be. Do not forget that I am more Father than Judge; run therefore, so that you may reach the Boat of My Mercy.
Your Father, Jesus of Infinite Mercy
Make known My messages of salvation, My children, to all mankind.