Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Come Holy Trinity

My beloved child, this is your Sweet Jesus. I have been giving you some very harsh messages. Now I will address the Daughters of the Lamb and all My children. The answer to all your problems, ask each of My children who read these messages, to say each time they are troubled, “in the Name of Jesus, and by the Power of Jesus, through the Blood of Jesus, that Jesus cast out all evil and cast it to the Foot of the Cross with Jesus and Mary, and ask them to dispose of them according to God’s Holy Will. This is the answer to the problems of the world... prayer, prayer, and more prayer. It does not matter how many good things you are doing, works and deeds, without prayer before them. They are sterile without prayer. We have told you My children time after time to pray without stopping. Now I hope you will stop running from here to there constantly and really not doing anything but fulfilling your own will. You must listen to the Divine Will of God, start praying and praying, and listening to what God wants you to do.
Prayer is the name of the game now. You should be praying morning, noon, and night. Then your work will begin to be fruitful because it will be fertilized through God. Man thinks man and woman create everything but they create nothing good if they do not put the sign of the cross (+) which represents Jesus on the Cross, through His Crucifixion, to His Resurrection. Man must put Jesus between man and woman, which puts man as the head and woman as the heart as his sweet adviser, as Mary was to Joseph, and you will see the world turn around. The head and the heart are both one and one is not more important than the other. But in God’s Divine Order, they have to be in the right order for the man has been given the gift to be the head and the woman the heart. This way the children will have the discipline that they need and the love of the mother’s heart they need. My children, I your God am telling you this is the only way that your country will come out of this disaster you are in. Love, Jesus.
My Love, this is Mary, your Queen. What My Son just said is the only way the world will ever change. This is the way it will be in the thousand years of peace. The man is no better or worse than the woman and the woman is no better or worse than the man. But this is God’s order, man + woman=man, Jesus, and woman. This is the way of the Trinity and the Holy Family. Love, love, and more love, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and Holy Family. My Father will speak.
My son, the church has taken a lot of the truth out of My church just to please the ones who do not want to live the truth. The people run the church the way they want it, not the way God wants it. They will change anything for an extra dollar. It is all about money, not truth. The government is controlled by the elite or the one world people. It is the most evil government your country has ever had. The 10 Commandments have been taken out and satan rules all. Your hospitals have been brainwashed by the pharmaceutical companies and they are giving shots to destroy the health of all My children and all the old people. The chemical companies are destroying all the food with all the genetically modified seeds they are putting out, and it goes on and on and on. The people wonder why God is not helping. Children, remember you were given free will so you were not slaves to Me. But you sold your free will to satan and became his slaves. My hands are tied and I am sick of it and very angry with My children. Jesus and Mary have given you the answers but you will not listen. The Father is giving you the last warning. Change now and the chastisements will be lessened a little or keep doing what you are and it will be even worse.
Your Loving Father to lots of sick children.