Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Come Holy Trinity

This is your Most Beloved Mother. I love you and all My children dearly. Thanks for all you are doing for your Mother and continue to pray and fast much for souls. Tell everyone to pray and fast much because the one world people are about to make a major move that will destroy your country as you know it now. They are in control of most of your world leaders. Be ready for anything, it is very close. Your Loving Mother
My most beloved son, this is your Sweet Jesus. My children are not listening to all the warnings, especially My children who are living in the sins of the flesh, especially premarital sex and homosexuality. They will not change until they feel the pains of hell during the Warning. They want to have sex with whoever they want whenever they want and they kill the baby if they conceive and they think nothing of it.
These people run all the time and keep so busy doing the work of satan that they do not have time to think. Satan has many of My children running after so many things that they have no idea of what they are even doing. They act like animals without a brain. Satan tries to keep them in this state so they do not have any time to even think about their life. If they get bored, he just sends them on another round of sin that gets them in deeper in the sins of hell. Then he gets them on drugs so they cannot think at all. Then down, down they go until they are in the pit of hell and not able to even help themselves anymore. This is when My beloved children who are listening have to help their brothers and sisters get back on the right track after satan has taken them all the way to the bottom feeding them his false peace and lies that would take them to hell if they did not start listening to My beloved children who are walking on the path of Jesus and Mary.
My children you’ve got to change to be saved. Please change before satan takes you to the bottom where you have to be pulled out by My beloved children of God. That is why I say to you change now instead of later because the longer you go on this path, the harder your lives will be and the harder to change. It is a lot easier to climb a mountain when you start at the middle then when you let satan take you all the way to the bottom and then have to change. It will be next to impossible for some without a lot of grace and prayers from your brothers and sisters through your God who made you.
Satan is like a parasite that feeds off all of God’s children. He has no power except what he convinces My children to give him through sin. You, My children are giving him your power which is Heaven’s power that you gave to satan instead of to God and it makes all My children’s lives harder because We are all One Body In Christ. You only pull your brothers and sisters down when you feed off of satan’s lies.
The Ten Commandments are the truth and nothing but the truth. If you are not following the Ten Commandments you are feeding satan’s lies to your brothers and sisters. It is as simple as this. If you follow the Ten Commandments you will get to see the path of God that leads to Heaven, then you will be led to many other holy things that come from the grace of God to His children and everyone will become happy and healthy in this life as well as the next in Heaven. This is your loving Jesus. Amen.