Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Come Holy Trinity

My love My beautiful one, this is your Most Holy Mother, Mary. We love all of you dearly. Do not expect too many breaks from the weather or any this summer. Heaven and My God and yours is going to keep sending many chastisements this summer because of the sins of America and the world. We were hoping that the people of America would change and your country would become more prayerful. The few people who are who are praying and being faithful are doing more praying, but the people who never pray are becoming more sinful in wanting more and more just to keep them from going crazy from being the slave of satan for years. My children, if the people in American don’t start praying more and start treating their neighbor better, you will be under communist control before year-end. This is all for now, My Father will speak.
My most beloved son and children, the Most Holy Trinity and My Mother and many of My saints and angels have been speaking to the world for years in a strong way, but you as a whole Body in Christ are not repenting. No one would believe Noah when he built the ark and so it seems that very few of the whole body is listening now. Satan has taken the majority of the people as his slave by their permission and you are ready to witness what the people of Noah’s time went through. They experienced the rain to start and then the water kept getting higher and higher until all lost their lives in the flood except for Noah and his family and the animals.
This time it will be different in the way it happens because I promised I would not destroy the earth by water again. This time it will be water, power, famine, money, collapse, and wars like no country has ever experienced. You think your winter was so bad and hard, but if the people do not change quickly you have seen nothing yet in America. Many other countries have experienced many of the chastisements that are about to hit America and the people of America as a whole have experienced nothing yet compared to other countries. Be ready for they are going to get worse each day until you are on your knees looking up to Heaven begging your God to help you. Be prepared to have food, water, and clothing for any type of conditions.
The chip will be ordered in your body so you can’t buy and sell but it will be through the power of the one world government which will control your minds as a slave or take your life if you do not follow orders. Read what happened in the concentration camps in Russia. It will be no different. You will work as a slave or die, but your Father in Heaven gives you a way out through the refuges that are being set up all over the world for a place of safety if you still wish to follow your God and ask forgiveness from your heart for all of your sins.
There will also be a Warning to every soul on the face of the earth and I will take you out of your body in spirit and show you where you would go if you died that minute and it could be Heaven, purgatory, or hell, and let you feel what suffering or joy you would feel in the place you would go because of the choices in your lives from the decisions you made for God, for self, or for satan. Then I will put you back in your physical body to give you another chance to repent and live for your God or continue to live in mortal or deadly sin following satan and end up in hell for all eternity. This is all for now, My children. Please change now for God’s will to be done. Message from God the Father to My son, one of My messengers. Love Father.