Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Come Holy Trinity With Your Words Only

My most beloved son and children, it is I your Father in Heaven. I come again to warn you of the dangers ahead. The time is short to get your lives in order. I told My son awhile back in a message that your world, as you know it, would be destroyed before his next birthday. That time is in December. If many children do not repent, this will become true.
I give all My messengers the warning as to what will happen if My children do not change, just as My prophets in the past. If My people change and start doing God’s will and start living in God’s will, the storms will pass without as much damage. But if all My children keep living in mortal and deadly sin, the storms will be a dead hit on your country. That is why mortal sins are deadly sins, because you give your life to satan. Satan brings in a culture of death to get rid of all My children while in mortal sin. Satan would kill all of My children while in mortal sin if he could, so he could take them to hell. But satan is not in control. Your God is in control of everything. But there comes a time in everyone’s life when your days that I have given you are up and you will die. So, do not think that you will live in your body forever. Your body will eventually die and your spirit will live on forever.
So, get out of mortal or deadly sin now while you can or tomorrow could be the last day of your earthly life when you can still ask your God for forgiveness. Many people think they will wait and wait to ask forgiveness and end up dying is some kind of natural disaster or accident and lose their soul and up in hell or the lower parts of purgatory and suffer for years for not changing in time or when they had an easy chance to change.
Children, please change now for My heart aches for you and the heart of My son who is writing is aching with Mine as he writes because he feels My feelings and suffers with His God as he writes. Please change now for Heaven’s sake and for the sake of the children of the earth who are suffering with all of Heaven to help save their brothers and sisters. Love, God the Father who made all of you and everything good that you have.