Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Come Holy Trinity With Your Words Only

My most beloved son, this is God the Father of Heaven and earth. What you think of your church leaders is true. This is God the Father telling you this. Please pray very hard for all the church leaders because the majority of the church leaders are living in the sin of satan. Many do not even believe that they are in mortal sin. Tell everyone to pray for all My beloved priests for it makes Me very sad.
Your God wants all My priest sons back where they need to be—with their God, so they can shepherd all My beloved children. Many are suffering dearly because they cannot understand what the real truth is anymore. You know, and I your God knows, that they are satan’s number one target, the family is number two. This has to be changed by the people of God with more prayers from everyone, not just a few. The load on My priests and parents is very heavy and many just give up and do not try. But, satan’s time is up now and all the graces that your God has have been saved while satan has squandered all his power.
The Gift of the Holy Spirit, that the twelve apostles received with My Mother Mary in the upper room when they were so weak, is about to be released to many of My children throughout the world and you will see the biggest turn around that the world has ever seen. It will all happen within a few minutes through the Warning when every person will receive the graces to change their lives just by saying ‘yes’ to their God and asking for the extra graces that will change the world and lead anyone who wishes to give up their lives as a martyr and go straight to Heaven or go to the New Era of Peace which is the New Jerusalem which is just like the Garden of Eden before Adam and Eve sinned.
Satan is about to lose all of his power and be locked in hell for a thousand years of peace. My children, I your God and Father want all of you at this celebration. You will either say ‘yes’ to the God who made you and live in My Divine Will or end up in hell for all eternity. There is no joking around anymore. The time is here to say ‘yes’ or end up in hell for all eternity. Your God, the Father, the Lover of all of Heaven with My Most Beloved Mother. Mother will speak.
Son, this is your Mother Mary and Mother of the Trinity and all children on earth. God the Father has given Me this title from His Son on the cross. He chose Me to Mother Jesus on earth and He chose St. Joseph to father Jesus on earth. Your God and Mine can choose anyone to do anything He wants done, but you have to say ‘yes’ back to Him for Him to use you. He is the God of all. He made everything, even the lost angels who betrayed Him because He gives everyone a free will to choose where they want to spend eternity—in Heaven or hell. Your Loving Mother to all of Heaven and earth from the God who made Me and then chose Me to be the Mother of the Trinity. And, He wants everyone to call Me the Mother of all Creation and to call Him the Father of all Creation. God the Father is ALL. He made all, and He has the love of a father and a mother. He chose Me to represent the mother’s side for Him. This is enough for now. Love, the chosen Mother of Heaven and earth by the Father of all Heaven and earth and all the universe. Amen. So be it. Mother Mary with the Trinity and St. Joseph by My side and yours.