Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Come Holy Trinity With Your Words Only

My most beloved son, this is your Sweet Jesus of Love and Mercy. I love you and all My children. As I have told you before, the time is here and now to start saving all My children’s souls. The graces are flooding every one of Our children. Look at it like you have just had a major storm and everything around you is under water. That is how it is now in the times you are in. There is grace and evil everywhere you look. You can feel all evil around you and see all evil around you, but you can take My hand and Our Mother’s hand and see all the grace around you and feel all the grace around you. The choice is yours to accept all the grace and live in grace or accept all evil and live in evil.
There is much suffering to accept the hand of God and live in My grace, but the rewards are above anything that you will ever experience in this world and the joy in the next world is beyond anything you can imagine. Or, you can take the hand of satan and feel a lot of highs that last a short time in this world and reach a low in this world that is beyond anything in this world that you can imagine.
If you take Jesus’ hand you will end up in Heaven and be in total joy for all eternity with the love and peace you have never experienced in your life. If you take satan’s hand you will experience a pain and sorrow in this world also and pain in sorrow in hell that is like one that you cannot reach on earth and will last for all eternity.
Please make the wise choice for God and live with me and all the saints and angels, and My Mother, and God the Father who made everything and knows everything. Satan’s wisdom came from God the Father and satan just turned it backwards from what Jesus taught him. Jesus taught light. Satan teaches darkness and he does everything dirty mostly in darkness. Jesus taught light and love and he teaches everything in light and truth. Satan hides the truth in darkness unless things look good. But once you do his thing, he then uses it against you to make you feel guilty. This is all for now, a lesson for My children. Your Sweet Jesus.