Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Come Holy Trinity With Your Words Only

My dearly beloved son, this is your Jesus of Love and Mercy. I have mercy on all My children and ask for you to ask for My mercy and pray to receive My grace before My justice and Warning that is about to strike the whole world with a blow that it will never recover from in this era that we are in now. It will be such a shock to many people that they will die from the sorrow for their sins when they see their Jesus and feel the fires of purgatory and hell at its greatest level. Everyone will go to Heaven, purgatory, or hell at the level of their sinfulness so that they will know and see the justice of their true God for not repenting. That is why I keep telling you over and over about the same type of messages so they will get to all the different types of people.
I am your loving Father and I am giving you all the graces that you need to get your soul back in the state of grace so you will not end up in hell or deep purgatory. I, your God, will do anything I can do to save your soul but you My children have to listen and ask Me from your heart for forgiveness. I have told you time after time that My arms are open wide for you to come and fall into them and repent to Me for your sins.
My beloved children if you could see what I see and have been telling you all of My children would come running to me. Think about it this way, if you were in your house at night and someone screamed out loud at the top of their voice, “Your house is on fire!” what would you do? You would grab all your children and run to the nearest opening. My children, I am the opening of your physical house, your body and soul, that you have to run to to get out of the feeling like you are totally trapped by satan in your sins.
Never let satan tell you that you cannot get out of your sins. It is never too late to turn to your God and save your soul. As long as you ask for help and forgiveness from any sin you ever committed here on earth and ask with your heart, mind, and soul, and are sorry, I will take you back even up to the very last second of your life. Never let satan convince you that you belong to him and you are his. Your God made you and Your God made satan as a great angel, but satan would not obey God and was cast out of heaven with all the other evil angels and is now trying to trick all God’s children into being in hell for all eternity and living in the fires of hell with him.
Satan does everything the opposite of God who is love and peace, all pure and holy. Satan is a liar, a robber, a thief, a cheater, a stealer and he does everything evil to destroy God’s children. Satan never sleeps but is on the prowl to destroy everything and everyone in our world. Never trust satan for anything because his only purpose is to destroy your life on earth and take your soul into the everlasting fires of hell for all eternity. This is forever. Never listen to satan or his lies, only listen to God and his everlasting love, peace, and joy for all eternity. This is your Jesus of Love and Mercy. Please change now before the Warning and then My justice to cleanse all the world of all evil before the Era of Peace. All of Heaven is by your side if you ask them. Thanks for writing, Jesus.