Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Come Holy Trinity and all of Heaven, We need all of you to help us here on earth

My most beloved son, this is Jesus of love and mercy, with Mary by My side. Your message to Our children was very strong. Heaven hopes that someone will listen. My son I know how hard it is getting for all of My children, those that are lost and those that are listening and praying and writing messages. You try and tell all of My lost children what to do. My son you know and your God knows that there is no way out of this mess that the world is in without total collapse of the world and to start over again. This will happen any day now. I have told you, all My messengers and prophets, that it would happen in their lifetime and most of My prophets and messengers are in their senior years. That is why I have been telling everyone to change now because the time clock is in the last second in My time. A few years ago I told you it was past the eleven o’clock hour. Now the time has run out except for the extra time that was given to save more lost souls because of the begging and praying of My remnant children who were praying for their lost children.
The hour glass has run dry and you are in the tribulation as I told you a year ago in July. The disasters in your country will increase greatly in the next few weeks. Please pray very hard and try to fast some for the sake of those who will die. People think that America is immune to war but it is ready to hit America. I have told you many things that will happen, many natural disasters will happen, but what they will cause is the hard part. They will cause your electric to go out in many areas of the country. They will cause your banks to collapse and your water supplies and food supplies will be very hard to find. Medicine and health care will be a thing of the past as you know it now. The one world government will control everything you buy. You will have to take a chip in your body to buy anything and with this chip they can control you to do anything they wish and kill you at any time they want.
These are just a few of the things that will happen. If you do not believe Me, look at the countries in the East. Your God is not joking. The only places that will be safe are the refuges. The people who intend to get to the refuges should be helping the people who have the refuges and praying for them all of the time and helping them financially build as much as they can. These people are putting their hearts, their minds, their souls, and their bodies on the line for their God and for all their brothers and sisters. Try to help them as much as you can for one day you will be rewarded greatly for helping. Your Jesus of love and mercy with all of Heaven by your side as you write and have been for years with the help of just a few generous souls. Your God thanks you for all your help in whatever way you are helping.