Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Come Holy Trinity & Holy Family with God’s Divine Will with all of Heaven to Protect us

My dearly beloved son, this is your Jesus of love and mercy. As you know many diseases are coming out from all over the world. The new stomach virus is coming out all over the world. It was made by man and then put into your meat chain and now your livestock have this disease and it is being spread from your livestock to humans. It is just like e. coli that was spread from the hogs to humans a few years ago when you were farming. This is another kind of disease that causes the stomach to either get blocked or to get diarrhea from it. As your doctor told you it is called colaform. Also, the new GMO corn is causing many people to get sick because it eats small pin holes in the lining of your intestines. This causes more viruses to enter into your body. All the genetically changed crops that are killing all of the bugs in the crops and all the diseases in them are also killing My beloved children and making them sick. That is why Russia and China are refusing to buy any of these new crops because they are waiting ten years to see what they do to people of America first. My children wake up. Wake up and admit that the food that your country is growing is very dangerous to the health of My children. The naturally grown food is a lot better for your body and health. What people eat and do is what controls their health. People are eating food that has no food value in it anymore because farmers do not rotate their crops and have depleted all the natural minerals and nutrients from the soil and replaced them with all chemical fertilizers. And now even changed the genetics of the crops that are not natural to your body.
Your society has also thrown out the Ten Commandments and live in lust worse than any animals live, and there is no way for most people to be healthy or happy. This is why the people of America are so overweight because the food they are eating is just something to put in their stomachs and it has no food value. They eat more and more but nothing will satisfy them. This is also the same with their way of life. They do all things with satan to get a high and feel good and then feel worse after because it is not of God. Children start to wake up and live the Ten Commandments and pray often to your God before America is no more. Everything on earth was perfect when Adam and Eve were on earth before they sinned. Then by their sins they gave their world to satan and he helps people to mess up all the food a little at a time to make it the way it is now. Then I had to bring the great flood in Noah’s time to re-purify the earth and the people who sinned and the earth from all the contamination. Then Jesus came to earth and set you free again as the new Adam and Mary as the new Eve and opened up Heaven so you can go to Heaven when you die and get things back on track again.
Here we are 2000 years later and messed up again because of your free will and not living in God’s will. And the earth is ready to self destruct again. God is ready to re-purify the earth again in His second coming and cast all evil back into the fires of hell and all the good people will end up in Heaven or purgatory or be taken into the New Era of Peace to repopulate the earth for a period of time or a thousand year reign as the Bible speaks. To doubt any of these words is to doubt God. He has told you in the last two weeks that you are in Revelation 10, 11, and part of 12. You are living the Warning as My son is writing and it is getting worse each day. Be prepared to move the refuges and go through the Warning. Your Jesus of love and mercy is not joking. Your Jesus of all of Heaven. Love, Jesus.