Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Come Holy Trinity and Holy Family With St. Michael as guard

My dearly beloved son, this is your Father in Heaven speaking. What the missionary priest said to you (during Mass this morning) about all the deaths he witnessed in his life as a missionary is about to happen all over the USA. The people in half the world are starving and America is the most wasteful country in the world. The chastisements are going to be great in the United States. The waste of life of My unborn, the waste of food, the waste of natural resources—the United States have become the most evil and stubborn people of the world compared to all they have been given. They want everything and do not want to give according to what I have given them. America is the sickest nation in the world right now because of their leadership. Their government is totally satanic. Their government is dead in the spirit and they are taking the people into this deadness and darkness of satan. Some people are standing up which I am happy with, but not near enough. Many are just getting greedier and more sinful and about half of the people are just going on welfare because they cannot make a living any other way.
As I have told you in the last two messages, the men have to stand up and be counted. The sickness of the spirit has lead to the sickness of the body. Any country that becomes sinful becomes sick in body, mind, and spirit. A sick mind and a sick spirit causes a sick body. The reason is because you eat all sick foods. When you do not have any discipline, you do not do what God wants you to do in your life and you make all bad choices. I have told you, My son, that feeling and emotion do not mean anything; that when you are feeling good enjoy it because eventually you will feel bad again. When you are feeling bad, just offer it up because eventually you will feel good again. Obedience to your God is what is the only important thing in your life to keep you in balance to keep you from going from a high that you get on drugs, sex, power, or greed. When you get over the high you will hit bottom again and then just try to find another way to get the high and it will be satan leading you into deeper sin each time until you reach a point so low after the high that you will not want to live. This is how satan controls people in their lives until he gets them in mortal sin and then he lets them get to the bottom and tries to get rid of them while at the bottom.
Jesus works the opposite way, He picks you up when you are at the bottom and blesses you and helps you build a foundation for your life and one brick at a time, little by little, until you get a beautiful house in His and Mary’s hearts where you are peaceful even in the storms of life. Then when the storm comes, you know right where the shelter is to go to. It is right to Jesus and to Mary’s Immaculate Heart. They will take care of you and keep you in a balance in the times of great storms and tribulations or in times of joy and peace. Come to My Son and taste of His Body and Blood in the Eucharist and Adoration. Come to Him in Confession to get rid of all of your past sins and baggage that you have been carrying all your life. Get rid of the things you do not need. It is just extra weight on your body pulling you down. Come to your Jesus and receive His Body and Blood with a good Confession and to Mary like a little child being held and nourished by their mother whom they trust their life to. If you cannot trust your life to your physical mother, come to Mary your Spiritual Mother and she will treat you like Her own baby and child with all love. And, if you cannot come to your physical father, come to your Heavenly Father who will treat you with a love you have never experienced before and He will give you His heart and His Mother Mary’s heart. This is the answer to all your problems from God the Father of all and My Mother Mary the real Mother of all. Love, love, and more love from all of Heaven.