Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and St. Michael as Guard and Protector as I write

My most beloved son this is your Beloved Mother Mary, Queen of Heaven and earth. I love all of you dearly. My Son has been giving many serious messages to Our children. Please pray that Our children are listening and repenting of their sins. The time has run out as you have been told by Jesus, for many of the natural disasters and wars to be changed anymore. Sin has determined what has to take place now. The only thing that can now change is the soul and the life of My children. This is never determined until the very last second of one’s life. Please My children listen to My Beloved Son and I, your Mother. You know in the Bible where it talks about when in need of something go to your friends house and keep knocking on the door even at night and if you keep bothering a person they will finally get up out of bed even if they do not want to and finally help the person knocking even if they do not want to help with their needs. This is how I and My Son are with your soul to be saved. We are not going to quit knocking at your heart to save your soul until the last second of your life is over. Because your soul is the most important part of your life, you can be taken to Heaven without your body, but your soul cannot be lost to mortal or deadly sin. Your body can die but your soul has to live on forever either in Heaven for all eternity or in hell for all eternity. People who think that it is all over when their body dies are in for a big surprise. You cannot get out of your soul by killing your body. Your soul will live on forever and for all eternity. Some do not think that all you have to do is deny and you will be okay. The only way you will be okay is if you are in a state of grace and living for God and living within the Ten Commandments. Then have My God to govern the lives of the people on earth. Children please read this and think what it says. Many people in the world do not believe in the afterlife. They just believe in this life here on earth and that when they die it is all over. My remnant children please teach My children the truth about life and the reason God made you. God made you to love and serve Him in this life and be happy with Him in the next life. These are My Son’s words and My words to you. Treat God and all your brothers and sisters on the face of the earth with love so you can be with them for all eternity in Heaven. Do not doubt and end up in hell forever with satan because of your stubbornness. What is being written by the prophets of this time is words from God and His saints in Heaven and I your Mother Mary. Love, your Mother from Heaven. Heaven is real and so is hell. Amen.