Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and St. Michael with all of Heaven as guards and protectors of Thy words

My most beloved son, this is God the Father of all Heaven and earth. “Father, was it You speaking for the last hour?”
Yes, My beloved son it was I, your God. Please write. My son and My children, the time has come for all My remnant children who have been living in the Divine Will to throw away the old wineskins and receive all new wineskins for the future will only be contained in the new wineskins. Get rid of your old bodies that were conceived in the spirit and flesh coming from the time of Adam and Eve who sinned in the Garden of Paradise and lost all of earth to satan’s pain and total work and sin. This is what brought all sin into the world with all the sorrow and pain that came with it.
My children who have been listening are ready to throw away the old wineskins and receive the new wineskins to prepare for the fulfillment of the coming of Jesus and Mary to open Heaven back up to prepare for the New Era of Peace when they died on the Cross 2000 years ago. Jesus died a physical death and Mary died a spiritual death. Their hearts and sufferings are one with all the Trinity. My children it is time now for all My children to be born again through the womb of Mary their Heavenly Mother who broke the chain of the old generation and become the new and pure Eve of the new generation with Jesus which is about to be totally fulfilled in the New Era of Peace and scripture will be fulfilled. Jesus’ death on the Cross was what I, God the Father who is speaking, gave My Son to the old to become the new Adam to replace the old Adam and Mary to the world to replace the old Eve who both gave Paradise away to satan to sin. My new Adam and Eve were given the earth and the whole world back to take and prepare for the new Paradise and the New Era of Peace and Joy for a thousand years before the last fight with satan and the end of time and the Final Judgment.
The new wineskins will be obtained when you give the old wineskins to God and ask God the Father to help you die of self and live in God’s Divine Will and ask Him to take you into the womb of the new Eve, Mary, and conceive you through the power of the Holy Spirit which is the love between the Father and the Son. This will be the fulfillment of the Era for you from the beginning of time. Then you can start living in the New Jerusalem now coming on earth and start telling your brothers and sisters the New Paradise that you are about to enter. You will be completely purified in the refuges so your souls will be ready to enter the New Jerusalem in the New Era of Peace when God causes the 3 days of darkness and casts all evil back into hell and locks the gates of hell for a thousand years before the final battle and the last judgment when eternity will last forever for the ones that chose God and Heaven or satan and hell.
It will be each person’s choice where they will spend eternity forever. Please ask Mother Mary, your new spiritual Mother, to ask God the Father to spiritually let you be conceived in the New Eve, Mary, through the Power of the Holy Spirit which is the love between God the Father and Son and start living in the New Paradise now that began 2000 years ago and is being fulfilled at this very moment with Jesus and Mary present on earth now. Jesus’ second coming is just the fulfillment of His first coming when he was given back to the earth through His death and Resurrection on the Cross. This is enough now for My faithful children to digest and work to save the rest. Your loving Father through a loving Son, Love from Heaven.