Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and St. Michael to protect God’s words to His son, Wednesday, 3:00 pm

My beloved son, this is God the Father of Heaven and earth. Thanks for getting more of the books on “The Father Speaks to His children.” The times you are in are like no other time in history of mankind. As I have told you the evil is worse than ever before from the time of Adam and Eve to the present day. My children have to know that because evil is so bad, they have to depend on their God more than ever. I, God the Father, have come down to earth just like I sent My Son two thousand years ago to help My children get through these days of time and repent of their sins and get back in a state of grace so they can be with Me in Heaven or the New Era of Peace.
As I told you before and I am telling you again, I your Father will give you all the graces you ask for to save your soul and the souls of all My children on earth. Do not be shy talking to the God who made you because I made you to love Me and serve Me and be happy with Me in Heaven. Do not be afraid to talk with Me the same way you talk to your best friend because I am your best friend and I want you to be My best friend. You can talk to Me about all the sorrow and all the joys in your life because I knew them before you ever committed any good or bad deeds. Talk to Me about people you love and people you dislike for I can help you with ANYTHING. Come sit by My side and talk to Me and I will talk to you and forgive all the things that you have done that you are ashamed of. Come to Me and tell Me and then, if Catholic, I will give you the grace to go to one of My priests and receive absolution and be in a state of grace so you can then start helping to save other children of mine that are in mortal or deadly sin.
My children, as gentle as I am speaking to My son writing this, I will speak to each and every one of My children if they just come to Me, their God, and ask forgiveness from their heart, and want to change and be better in their life. Just say, “Father, please bless me, your (son or daughter) and I will bless you and cover you with My graces of love if you just open up your heart and let Me in. I made your heart for Me. I want your blood to flow with My blood and your heart to beat with My heart and your love to be My love for all your brothers and sisters in the world. This is the only way that the world will become peaceful. There is plenty on the earth for everyone to live and be happy if everyone shares and uses just what they need and do things according to God’s will and not man’s will. Everything on earth is contaminated because man thought he was smarter than God and changed all the food and medicines and each time he changed things from the natural to the unnatural My children got sicker and sicker, and now all My children are sick and full of cancer and sin. All this is caused because of not following the Ten Commandments. Each time you take a commandment out of your life or out of the life of your country or out of the life of your world, ten percent of everything falls to a sicker position. It is like standing on top of a ten story building and each time you take a commandment out of your life or out of the world you fall one story and all the earth suffers the effect of it. My children of America you have taken all Ten Commandments from the laws of your land and there is nothing left but to crash to the bottom and start over with nothing and your only choice is God and live for eternity or satan and fall even deeper into the pit of hell for all eternity.
This is why I, God the Father, came down to earth at this time in history because I knew this time would be the most evil since man was put on earth. I sent My Son last time with Mother Mary and this time I came to put an end to satan for a thousand years and cast him back in the pit of hell and anyone who will not change. The earth will be peaceful during the next era of time. Satan had his time because of free will and now it will be God the Father’s time that I and My Son, and the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Family, and all the angels and saints will guard the earth and talk to everyone like Adam and Eve talked to Me at the beginning of man and woman. You will now see how beautiful I created each man and woman with all the gifts I give to them to make one picture and One Body of Christ for all the world to see and to see it the way I planned it with all the love and joy that was given to Adam and Eve before they sinned. This is the era coming that Jesus, the new Adam, and Mary, the new Eve, were sent to earth for and I God the Father came at the end of this era to earth to help My Son and Heaven to fulfill it. Do not doubt any of this message because it is God of all Heaven and earth speaking to My son. He and many others of My remnant children are suffering a white martyrdom to fulfill My final will for the world. Amen. So be it. End of book. Be ready for the door is about to open to the New Era of Peace. God the Father from Heaven.