Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and St. Michael to protect God’s words to His son

My most beloved son and My most beloved children this is God the Father of Heaven and earth. I am here for you all, My children who are suffering so much. Come to Me, your God with all of your heart, mind, and soul and repent and fall into My arms and My Mother’s arms for peace and joy because this is the only peace to find and the only place to find it. It will not come from the world you live in anymore because satan has taken it over to fulfill prophecy. You must come to your God of Heaven and earth now or suffer harshly in the world that has no peace anymore. You must stay in My Mother’s and My arms from on now until the Era of Peace. We will hold you like Our little children as long as you stay in Our will and live in Divine Will with Heaven. You will be lead to the refuges if that is Heaven’s will or you will be taken if that is Heaven’s will.
My beloved children there is no more time for living half in satan’s territory and half in God’s territory doing what you want when you want to do your own will. You must start to move into God’s Divine Will and give your life to Me every morning when you get up, or to My Mother. It is that serious now. The messages will be short and direct now because there is not time to read a lot anymore. You have to get down on your knees and pray and beg for the salvation of many souls that are about to be taken. Do not ask so many questions and try to figure out your God and My plan. Just discern what is common sense and the truth, and believe and trust your God and all will be fulfilled in My time and in My way for the good of your soul. Love, Father.