Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Monday, November 17, 2014
Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and St. Michael with your protection of God’s words to His children

My most beloved son and all My most beloved children, this is Mary the Mother of all My children on earth. I come to give you graces from the Father of all mankind. My children pray and fast for the conversion of souls. The time is here as We have told you many times. All of Heaven is praying and begging God’s mercy on all the world. As We have told you, satan’s plan to take over the world is being fulfilled at this minute because of the sins of the world. My children need to understand that all of satan’s power comes from the sins of the children of the world. That is why satan is so powerful now because the children of the world give him all their power and do not use the grace of God to control their lives and be obedient to the Ten Commandments.
Can you not see My children how easy life would be if you lived the Ten Commandments and did not live in all the sins of the world. If marriages were good and holy all our children would have a good mother and father and all of our children would be happy and joyful. There would not be divorces and children would know what is right and wrong and be loved at all times. Parents would not be fighting. Can you not see that the more you do, the less you have now because you are working for satan and not for God. God would never have people running from here to there all the time and working 7 days a week to make a living. Only satan could confuse My children this much and make My children and everything on earth so evil. Can you not see how evil the whole world has become after God was taken out of the schools and out of the businesses and out of all the government? Every business should talk about God and God’s name should be used by all leaders in all their talks. Sunday should never be a workday for any of My children on earth except for emergencies only. Businesses should never be open on Sunday. I your God only ask My children to work 6 days and use Sundays for religious and family duties.
My children how sick and lost all My children are at this time. My God and yours is going to change all this now but it will take much suffering and death to fix the problem. Satan has taken it to the limit that God has allowed him to take all My sick children without total destruction and My God and yours is stepping in to purify this world and His children. As My Son told you in the last message be ready and prepared as best you can because many are about to die and many are going to suffer like never before in America. I have told you and My son has told you many times, get your soul in order this very day so it will not be so hard on you and then get your physical world in order before it is too late. Prepare, prepare, prepare, and pray, and pray, and pray. Get down on your knees and beg My Son and Father forgiveness this very day. Love, Your Mother of Sorrows. Amen.
it is just a short time when you will hit bottom with the biggest crash that America has ever seen