Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and St Michael as guard and protector of God’s words from His Mother

My love, My beautiful one, this is Mother Mary coming to tell all My children how much I love them. They are all Our beautiful children and We want them all next to Us. Come now, Our children, while you can still come before the gates will close when you cannot get in, just like the unwise virgins who went back to get their oil because they were not prepared. Soon it will be the same for many of Our children. Many are dying in the world right now and at this minute. Thousands die every day and many are not ready. Do not think the time is not here and it is not happening. More people are dying each day than ever in the history of the world. Yes, there are many more people now, but the percent of people dying each day is much higher than ever.
The evil in the world and all the fighting is causing many more deaths than normal. Your world is living in a death culture and many are being killed by the government to drop the population as soon as they can. They are being killed from high technology that very few people even know. Millions are being killed by abortion. The time is here for My God and your God’s hand to rock the earth and many nations and people will die. Be ready to move through the gate of life instantly for that will be all the time that many will have.
If I told you that you had ten minutes left to be alive, would you be ready to face your maker? Many die every ten minutes each day. Are you ready for Heaven, or hell, or purgatory My children? The wise virgins walked into the gates with Jesus and the unwise virgins ran back for more oil for their lamps. Are you going to have your lives ready ten minutes from now or are you going to run back for help? Get on your knees now and ask forgiveness now for it might be your last chance. Many are about to die in mass numbers and many are dying now in mass numbers that you are not being told. Be ready. Love, Mother.