Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Ascension of Our Lord
Come Most Holy Trinity to Protect Your Mother’s Words

My love and all My beloved children, this is your Mother from Heaven. This is the Ascension of My Son into Heaven and it is a special day for all Christians. Please pray and thank Jesus and all of Heaven for all they give to all of Our children. Some of Our children are starting to think and believe there is something to the messages that Heaven has been giving for years. My remnant faithful have believed for some time now, but a lot of Our other children are starting to see that the world is running out of answers without God in their lives.
Keep praying that all My children will start turning to the Holy Spirit and also pray more to get to Heaven. We need many more faithful prayer warriors and religious to get all the natural disasters to slow down. As My Son and I have told all Our Children, you cannot live like animals and be treated as faithful children of God. Many of God’s children are starting to see that the power of the world and satan, and sins of the flesh cannot do anything good for the world. Satan’s only power is taking the good from God and turning it into garbage to destroy all God’s beautiful children.
Children, please wake up from your sleep and look what your sins of the flesh and abortion have led the world to. God is letting satan have his time to let the people of the world see what sins of the flesh are leading you to, it is total destruction of the whole world and God’s children. Please wake up and start following the Ten Commandments and you will see peace in your heart and then in the world again. The time is now and is here for God to permit His justice until people are on their knees begging God to forgive them for not following God’s laws, the Ten Commandments. Satan’s laws of doing anything you want are destroying your souls. This is all I can say to My children now. Most people know the truth but do not want to live God’s Will, but by living their own will they will lose everything they have. Love the Mother of God with a Sorrowful Heart.