Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Friday, July 4, 1997
Friday, July 4, 1997
Message from Jesus Christ and Blessed Virgin Mary given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

"My daughter, I come to you today as Queen of the Universe and Mother of Jesus Born Incarnate. Will you respond to Me?" " I look up and see Our Lady in a luminous light, in pink, gold, and white. She has a crown on Her head and is holding Jesus.
She says: "Do not despise rejection. It is a sign to you I am real. It is a sign My message to you is challenging Satan's power in the world." (Someone I knew refused to say hello to me earlier.)
"I am coming to you as Queen and Protectress of the Universe to show you that my Message of Holy Love is a force drawing the world and all balances of nature back to God. The beginning and the end are about to unfold. The beginning of a New Era is coming on the heels of Satan's defeat."
"Win for Me hearts - one at a time. For when a soul chooses conversion, he chooses Holy Love. With Holy Love in his heart, Heaven and earth are united and victorious in him. Each heart strengthens the Kingdom. Each heart hastens My reign."
"This Message is the key to unlocking the door to the New Jerusalem. My Heart is the message of Holy Love. From the moment that God deigned I be Immaculately conceived, it has been so. You are here now proclaiming truth. Truth will win out in the end."
"It is true some do not see the Scale of Justice I hold in My hand - this scale being Holy Love. But in the future it will be shown to them all too clearly. At that time, my Son will be holding it and weighing all thoughts, words, and actions according to Holy Love."
"Continue. I am with you. I know all your needs."
She leaves.
Source: ➥