Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Wednesday, March 5, 2003
Monthly Message to The Remnant Faithful
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I come to all people and every nation today to help you to decide. These are the times of which My Mother came into the world to warn you about. Free will must choose between war or peace--between the Tradition of Faith or a spurious imitation. The choices are not clearly defined, as evil masquerades as good, and good is convoluted to appear as evil."
"Today your safety and peace is not in false promises--treaties that are not honored or in man-made forms of worship and false gods. You must seek out the Ark of My Mother's Immaculate Heart which is Holy Love itself. Deep within the shelter of this magnificent Flame of Pure Love you will find your answers--your choices--your peace."
"When free will tries to form peace around his own ideas and outside the formula of Holy Love, the efforts fail--history tells you so. You have had war after war over the last century."
"Please understand that mankind's efforts towards peace that fail, often lead to justifiable war. This is so when one country bullies another, or chooses subterfuge and deceit over truth, or disregards human rights."
"I only remind you that Holy Love must be the inspiration and the core of your peace efforts. Holy Love calls the soul to simplicity of heart--humility of heart, and truth itself."
"Today, you see Bishop opposing Bishop and Cardinal against Cardinal--just as My Mother predicted. My Church will overcome these difficulties, but not without the loss of many souls. Today, you must pray for priests and the Church hierarchy, as well. Some make choices which lead to their perdition, for each one is judged according to his own choices--for or against Holy Love. Be certain that My Mother's call to Holy Love supports Church Tradition."
"I am calling you under the banner of Holy Love to pray for love to consume hearts. It is only then you will be at peace. Spread devotion to the Rosary of the Unborn like the enemy would spread germ warfare. Let this devotion permeate cities, nations and the heart of the world. When you pray this special prayer, you combat war in the womb and war in the world."
"In each present moment surrender your heart to Me in Holy Love. This is the greatest sacrifice you can offer in this penitential season. In this surrender you are giving Me your free will--in this surrender your prayers and works become more meritorious--in this surrender lies My Victory."
"I invite you to comprehend that it is not any dictator or liberal group that threatens world peace or undermines Church authority--it is Satan himself. Therefore, during these days of heightened spiritual warfare, hasten to the spiritual refuge of My Mother's Heart."
"My brothers and sisters, when you cooperate with the crosses in your life in each present moment, you will receive grace enough to bear it quietly and humbly. Then graces will pour into your hearts and into your lives and into the world around you. It is in this way you comfort the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary and give Us solace."
"And so today once again, We impart to you the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
Source: ➥