Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Friday, September 5, 2003
Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
Jesus says: "I am here, your Jesus, born Incarnate. Today I have come to redirect the heart of the world which passionately pursues the path of destruction. The embrace of corruption stems from the embrace of self-love and apathy towards God and neighbor."
"When you become a lover of self, you seek only to please yourself. Your heart is full of passion for things of the world and all that these things bear with them - money, power and acclaim amongst men. You have no insight into God's Divine Will or your eternal salvation. It is a wretched path with empty goals. Do not think that because My Justice has not come into your world that it will not come. Each soul is accountable for every present moment. Holy Judgment sees through every pretense."
"Today I invite you to begin anew. Trust in My Provision and give up shrewd and clever ways. Open your hearts to the grace I send you through the Heart of My Mother. You are, after all, no more than you are in My sight."
"I delay the day when every heart will be laid bare, for I desire to increase and strengthen My Faithful Remnant. I am building them up like strong reeds in the wind. These, My faithful ones, will be like eagles that fly above the torrent of compromise and error which now moves through the Church like an invisible wave. Do not be discouraged, My little ones, or feel I am deaf to your prayers. I am your strength - My Mother your protection. You are the bounty of My efforts. Your prayers are My strength amongst men. With them, I will confound the proud."
"Today I invite you to see that when error is supported due to gender identification crisis, the Tradition of Faith is weakened, and disunity which is always darkness is embraced. Remember, the adversary always comes clothed in some good. His enticements may seem just, but are not founded on truth. The Remnant Faithful who shed light on error are often persecuted. In the end, however, I Myself, will uphold the righteous. Therefore, do not be bullied into embracing error."
"Understand that every persecution bears its good fruit in due time - just as every prayer petition bears some good fruit. When you lay a petition upon My Heart, do so with sublime trust which mirrors your love for Me. Do not place the human factor of time upon My response to your petition. To do so reflects a lack of trust in My Timing which is always perfect. Neither should you presume you know the best answer to your petitions. That, too, reflects a pride. Let Me be God - you be My instruments."
"My brothers and sisters, as your country mourns the second anniversary of a great act of terrorism and loss of life, let the Flame of Divine Love be your consolation. Surrender to Me your free will, for it is in this surrender I am able to convert the unrepentant heart."
Today We're extending to you the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
Source: ➥