Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Message from Bishop Ignatius Horstmann given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

"It is me--Ignatius (Ignatius Horstmann, past Bishop of Cleveland). Praise be to Jesus."
"Once again I come to offer instruction on Purgatory. The heart at the time of judgment is judged according to its resemblance to the Heart of Jesus, which is perfect Love and Mercy. Anything that is in the heart at that time which obstructs love and mercy must be purged, so that love and mercy are brought to perfection. Then the soul is worthy of sharing Heaven with his Savior. Here once again, I am speaking, not of serious transgressions, but more so of attitudes."
"Grudges are the main attitude that holds the soul back in his spiritual progress in this life, and detains him in Purgatory in the next. The Heart of Jesus is forgiveness; therefore, the soul needs to strive to forgive always. Blaming is a symptom of unforgiveness. Modern psychology feeds into this by encouraging children to blame their parents for all their faults or spouses for their failings. It takes great strides in Holy Humility, which is Truth itself, to overcome this pattern of thought in this life. But the human heart, to take on the Heart of Divine Love, must be vested in forgiveness. Only in this way can the soul avert long hours, even years, in Purgatory."
"I will return."
Source: ➥