Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Tuesday, September 5, 2006
Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.
Jesus: "With the stealth of a cat burglar, the last semblance of morality has been stolen from your country as the over-the-counter sale of the morning-after pill was authorized."
"Moral degeneration exacts its toll. The Hand of Justice grows weary. Understanding the distress of My Sacred Heart over the moral degeneration of your country, imagine My grief as I see into the heart of all nations the same situation. Therefore, you, My Remnant, must understand how important My Remnant Faithful are to Me. It is within these small and scattered pockets of faith that confusion and compromise are overcome, and the Tradition of Faith is not allowed to be challenged."
"I send My Mother here to this site to support you with Her miracles and healings. Still, Satan challenges this Refuge, but he will not succeed. I know My lambs, and My lambs know Me. When power, reputation and money fail them, the lost lambs will search Me out here at this site, and I will welcome them. Therefore, believe that I, your Lord, will sustain you in the midst of every battle. No attack will you succumb to. This is My promise. So while the battles may intensify, My grace is enough for you."
"The more you are attacked and under siege, the greater the graces here. Then, understand, that Satan cannot weaken you. All of his strategies are undone by Heaven's power. I am sending even more angels to the site as the next midnight visit approaches. Their presence will be a comfort to many. They will be seen and felt."
"My brothers and sisters, Satan is attacking the borders of this Mission. These are the hearts that have not decided yet for or against Holy Love. These are the hearts most vulnerable to his attacks of misinformation and lies."
"When an army advances in the world, the people within the country under attack unite and use their most powerful weapons to ward off the enemy and secure the border. In this battle which Satan is waging against Holy and Divine Love, those of you who are already living the spirituality I call you to in this Mission must unite and defend the truth with the powerful weapons of the Rosary, Masses and Communions. The more hearts that are won over to Holy Love, the stronger My Victory."
"Today I invite you to see that the path I call you upon is TRUTH, LOVE and MERCY. My Heart is all TRUTH, all LOVE and all MERCY. With docility, imitate Me."
"We're convicting hearts here today."
"We're blessing you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
Source: ➥