Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Friday, November 13, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Holy Love Ministries Response to Bishop's decree of November 11, 2009
We, at Holy Love Ministries, have read and prayed over the most recent statement from the diocese. Maureen has taken it to Jesus and these are His comments:
Jesus says: "I am disappointed that My bishops and others within the Church take such an active role in opposing Heaven's intervention, not only here but in many places in the world. Heaven intercedes on behalf of the salvation of souls, which should be the goal of everyone, especially within the Church."
"In this Mission of Holy Love, I have opened the doors of Our United Hearts to all people - all nations. This is a gospel message - the fulfillment of the Ten Commandments. To say that there is a 'Decree from God', stating otherwise is a falsehood. A decree from God smacks of the Ten Commandments carved in stone on Mt. Sinai. God would not oppose a gospel message."
"In this case, I am openly stating that the gift of discernment did not come into play when these Messages were summarily perused by the diocese. They were judged with one goal in mind - to discredit them. This has been the singular goal of this diocese from the beginning - to close the Ministry down. The bigger the Ministry has grown, the more determined the diocese has grown in its goal to destroy it."
"So I do not accept this statement and I do not hold the laity to accept it. I charge the laity with the obligation to come and to pray here. Feel for yourself the action of the Holy Spirit within your own heart. Did I not tell you - 'Wherever two or more are gathered in My Name - there am I with you' (Mt 18:19-20). Is this not supernatural? Come and feel for yourselves the abundance of graces offered here. Do not be put off by sweeping statements by those who seek our demise."
"I have given you this Mission during these times to protect the Tradition of Faith at a time when tradition and faith itself are under attack. Let no one - no matter authority or title - discourage you from praying here."
The Ministry is ecumenical. It is not under diocesan authority. We maintain the right to propagate these Messages.
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