Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Message from Mary, Queen of Remnant Faithful given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Our Lady comes in white, but the inside of Her Mantle is green. She smiles and winks at me. She says, "Praise be to Jesus. The color green signifies hope. The Remnant [Faithful] is the hope of the future of civilization. So, today, I am here as promised to discuss the Remnant [Faithful] once again."
"The Remnant [Faithful], dear children, must be steadfast and firm in the seven points I have given you. It must not waver in any wind of controversy. It must not change opinions to conform with the opinions of mankind. Any departure from these maxims means a departure from the Remnant Faithful."
"The Remnant [Faithful] must stand as a call to the return to godliness - to sound morals - and to adherence to God's Commandments. As such, the Remnant [Faithful] must be united in purpose and uncompromised in direction despite attacks of any sort. The Remnant [Faithful] must be a bastion of prayer and sacrifice, for this is the key that links the chain of the Remnant [Faithful] together."
"The same Remnant [Faithful] may reside in the farthest corner of the world or it may be right here at Holy Love [Maranatha Spring and Shrine]. It is still one in purpose - one in integrity and in My Immaculate Heart. It is the strength of Tradition, the foundation of sound morals, the return to godliness. It is the hope of the future."
Source: ➥