Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, October 19, 1996
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber in Parintins, AM, Brazil

Listen, My son, to My troubling message, which is addressed to My children who walk in the mire of sin. I want to talk to you about the reading that your eyes read as soon as you arrived on your journey here in this city of Parintins: How abandoned is the town so populated! It resembles a widow the great among the Nations (Lam 1.1.).
You have seen how great is My concern. My children, attached to their affairs and the things of the world, allow themselves to be enslaved by the traps set by the cunning enemy, who roars around them like a furious lion ready to devour them. They are weak in faith because they no longer live it. For them, what matters is the happiness of this world, often forgetting that true happiness can only be found in me, the Lord of heaven and earth. I am Jesus Christ, Son of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Queen of Peace, whom I, the Lord, send to you so that she may guide you, preparing you for My coming, My second coming among you. I have sent My Holy Mother all over the world. My Mother is untiring, she tries to warn you. She wants to lead everyone on the safe road, but many deny Her heavenly appeals, appeals that are addressed to all humanity and that today are not received as they should be.
I warn you, My children, that on My day all those who have despised the messages of My Mother, who is Queen of Heaven and earth, will have to come to terms with Me when I come as the just judge, and I tell you, they will all be treated with severity because they have despised the graces granted by Me through the Immaculate Heart of My Holy Mother. To the people of this city I address My exhortation: come back, come back to Me, for the time is already near its end. Those who do not prepare and convert, renouncing their life of sin and all evil, will have to endure My Divine Justice, which will soon fall upon all mankind. Wake up, My children, wake up. Live what I, the Lord, am asking of you. Live a holier life, go to the holy sacraments. Whoever is in need of a holy confession, let him seek a priest to receive absolution. Go receive Me in the Holy Eucharist, so that I can be the true nourishment for your weakened souls. The Holy Eucharist is Love in person coming into your hearts. Love Me, for I already love you with all My Heart. And you? Do you want to correspond to this Love that throbs for your love? I give you My blessing, a blessing of Love and Peace: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon My dear son. Be with My Peace!
As I was writing the Message, I felt a great Peace and love coming from Jesus. How kind and loving He is