Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Wednesday, June 11, 1997
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Ghiaie de Bonate, Italy

I found myself in Ghiaie di Bonate. In the Church of the Holy Family Father Vincenzo accompanied by other priests, celebrated the Holy Mass in honor of the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph. It was the first time that we celebrated the Feast in honor of his Most Chaste Heart and it was precisely in Ghiaie di Bonate that this great event took place. Our Lady wanted to show by this that her apparitions in Ghiaie di Bonate and Itapiranga have a common link and a continuation in the message. Who could have imagined that after so many years she would confirm in Amazonas the veracity of these apparitions to the girl Adelaide Roncalli? Only Our Lady could do such a thing. She waited many years to act. Those who were against her apparitions, who fought them and persecuted the poor child in the past, are now all dead. What good did it do? Did they think that they could stop the work of God and impede its progress? No, nobody can stop the work of God. Our Lady came in the Amazon and called a person from so far away to tell the Italians that she had indeed appeared in Ghiaie di Bonate. And now? What will they do to stop it and say that all this is a lie? Nothing. They can do nothing, because everything has come to light again. And people started to wake up from the deep sleep of unbelief and uncertainty, to start praying again with more faith and love in front of the Chapel of the apparitions of 1944. This was the great sign Our Lady gave to the Italians that she really appeared in Ghiaie and she wants respect, reparation and much prayer and penance for sinners and unbelieving families who do not wish to know about God and heaven. Let us therefore pray more fervently for these intentions.
Peace be with you!
Dear children, I am the Queen of all families throughout the world. I come on this beautiful day, accompanied with the Child Jesus and St. Joseph, to bless you all.
Dear children, have great love for the recitation of the Holy Rosary, because it is by reciting the Holy Rosary that we will destroy Satan and his evil plans.
Dear children, Satan tries in every way to destroy the work that I have begun here in Ghiaie de Bonate, with my apparitions, but I, your Heavenly Mother, tell you that I will be victorious and Bonate will be recognized by the Church. Wait, trust, pray many Rosaries and make sacrifices, because this day is near that will make My Immaculate Heart shine more intensely over the whole world.
May all families consecrate themselves to My Immaculate Heart, to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph on this special day, for it is the feast of his Most Chaste Heart, and all those who pray in faith and with love will receive thousands of graces.
Dear children, when I appeared in Ghiaie de Bonate with Jesus and St. Joseph, I wanted to show you that later the whole world should have a very great love for the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph and the Holy Family, because satan would attack families very deeply in these end times, destroying them. But, I come again bringing the graces of God Our Lord, to grant them to all families most in need of Divine protection.
Jesus transmitted the following message:
Love, love, love the Most Chaste Heart of My Virgin Father Joseph. Give yourself totally to this Pure, Chaste and Virgin Heart, because My Sacred Heart formed it to be My vessel of grace for sinful humanity, like the Immaculate Heart of My Mother, Mary Most Holy.
He who has a deep devotion to the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph, will not be lost eternally. This is My great promise, which I make here in this Holy Place.
On this day, St. Joseph conveyed to Me his message:
The Divine Savior and My Most Holy Spouse Mary, permit me to grant you all graces. I will ask much for you from Jesus and Mary.
Then the three said together:
We, the Holy Family, bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!
Before they left, Our Lady said:
Dear children, from July 1 to July 13, pray here in this 1ugar the complete Rosary, meditating on its 15 sacred mysteries and participate with love in Holy Mass in these days, asking God, that through the intercession of the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph, may my apparitions in Ghiaie de Bonate be approved by the Church and that St. Joseph defend this cause and this intention, protecting it, with the graces of his Most Chaste Heart. I will be waiting for you for prayer, with My Child Jesus and Saint Joseph, for I will pour out many graces to all those who hear this maternal request of mine.