Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, March 3, 1998
Message from Saint Joseph to Edson Glauber
Third Message of St. Joseph

St. Joseph came in a white tunic, with a white robe, holding a lily and with the Child Jesus also in white, on his lap.
My beloved son, listen and let all men know what God allows me to reveal to you this evening, but first, I bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. And I grant you peace.
My beloved son, how sin spreads in such a strong way! Men allow themselves to be led by the most insidious wiles of the devil. The enemy of salvation wants to destroy all men, so that all may be lost. He is envious and hates the whole human race. Many go through so many trials and temptations that the enemy of God throws at them all the time, thus trying to destroy the souls of mortal men that were created by God.
The means he uses the most are sins against holy purity, for purity is one of God's most cherished virtues, and so Satan wishes to destroy the image of God present in every creature through this virtue. This is why God asks all mankind for devotion to my Most Chaste Heart, for he wishes to grant men the grace to overcome the temptations and attacks of the devil on a daily basis. My Son Jesus has revealed to you, my beloved son, the power to invoke my name. It is enough to invoke my name to put all the demons to flight.
I promise all the faithful who honor this most chaste Heart of mine with faith and love the grace to live in holy purity of soul and body, and the strength and means to overcome all the attacks and temptations of the devil. I myself will protect them as a precious part of mine. This grace is not only destined for those who honor this Heart of mine, but also for all their relatives who are in need of divine help. I bless you all: in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!