Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Thursday, March 5, 1998
Message from Saint Joseph to Edson Glauber
Fifth Message of St. Joseph

On this night the confidant received a visit from the Holy Family. St. Joseph was in a beige robe and gray blue tunic, holding in his arms the Child Jesus who was in a light blue tunic. Our Lady was in a white veil and blue gray dress.
Our Lady was the one who first spoke:
OUR LADY: My beloved son, on this night God, Our Lord, allows me to grant His peace to all men throughout the world. I also bless all families and ask them to experience peace in their homes and an intimate union with God. If families want to receive God's blessings and peace they must live in divine grace, for sin is like a dark cancer in the life of a family that does not live united to God. God desires that each family, in these last times, ask for the protection of the Holy Family, for I, my Son Jesus and my most chaste spouse Joseph desire to protect each family from the hoaxes of the devil. May you live my pleas and this message that God allows me to reveal to you today. I bless you all: in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon. Now listen to my most chaste spouse Joseph.
SAINT JOSÉ: My beloved son, this night my Heart desires to pour out many graces upon all men, for I long for the conversion of all sinners that they may be saved. May all sinners not be afraid to approach this Heart of mine, for I desire to welcome and protect them.
Many are those who walk far from the Lord because of their grave sins. Many of these my children are like this because they have allowed themselves to fall into the traps of the devil, the enemy of salvation, who tries to lead all these my children to despair, making them think that there is no more solution and no return because, by despairing and not trusting in the divine mercy, they will be easy prey for the devil. But I, my beloved son, tell all sinners, even those who have committed the most terrible sins, to have confidence in the Lord's love and forgiveness, and to also trust in me, in my intercession. All those who appeal to me with confidence, be sure of my help to regain the divine grace and mercy of the Lord. See, my son, that the Heavenly Father entrusted to me his Divine Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, his Immaculate Spouse, to be under my care. My Heart felt great peace and joy to have Jesus and Mary by my side living in the same house.
Our three Hearts loved each other. They lived a Trinitarian love, but it was a love united in a single act of offering to the Eternal Father. Our Hearts merged in the purest love, becoming one heart living in three persons who truly loved each other. But see, my son, how much my Heart was anguished and suffered when I saw my Son Jesus, so small, already in danger of death because of Herod, who, possessed by the spirit of evil, had all the innocent children killed. My Heart went through great tribulation and suffering because of this great danger that my Son Jesus suffered, but the Heavenly Father did not abandon us at that moment, because he sent his messenger angel that guided me in what I should do and the attitude to take in these difficult and suffering moments. Therefore, my son, tell all sinners not to despair in the great dangers of life and in the dangers that can cause the perdition of one's own soul.
I promise all those who have confidence in this pure and chaste Heart of mine, honoring it devoutly, the grace of being consoled by me in their greatest afflictions of the soul and in the danger of damnation, when, by misfortune, they lose divine grace because of their grave sins. To these sinners who have recourse to me I promise the graces of my Heart for a purpose of amendment, repentance, and sincere contrition for their sins.
Now I tell all sinners not to be afraid of the devil and not to despair because of their crimes, but to come and throw themselves into my arms and cling to my Heart so that they may receive all the graces for their eternal salvation. I now impart my blessing to the whole world: in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!